Psychology Methods II Assignment


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Florida International University

Abstract Comment by Lu Liang: Abstract heading is centered and bold

Two studies looked at eyewitness confidence in lineup studies. In study one, 551 undergraduate participants saw a picture of a target “suspect”. They then viewed an eight person lineup that altered the lineup instructions (they were told the target was either present, might be present, or they were not given any information, though in reality the target “suspect” was always missing). The authors predicted that participants would both choose a suspect and be more confident in their choice when told the target was present compared to the other two conditions. Results confirmed this prediction. In study two, 337 participants also received either the target present or might not be present instructions, though they were given a lineup that differed in size (eight versus four members). Like study one, participants in the target present condition chose and were more confident in their choice than participants in the target might be present condition, but only when given an eight person lineup. This implies that telling someone that a person is present in a lineup can lead them to find a suspect, but only if they have a lot of lineup choices. Comment by Lu Liang: First line not indent in Abstract Comment by Ryan Winter: The student wrote this in 189 words! It’s a lot of information in a short amount of space, so make sure to edit it a lot to get all relevant information in place. Comment by Lu Liang: Make sure you indicated research questions, hypotheses, IV&DV, participants, results, general conclusion/implication of the study.

: target present, target absent, simultaneous lineups, confidence, system variables Comment by Lu Liang: Italicize “Keywords” phrase Comment by Lu: Make sure to include at least 5 EFFECTIVE keywords, that is, when writing keywords, you must think what words you could have in helping someone find your research. Independent variables, experimental design, hypotheses… are NOT good keywords. Comment by Lu Liang: Do not italicize these keywords

Comment by Julia Parker: Don’t forget to scroll all the way down and see the “corrected references!” they should be on their own page, just like a regular references page would be. You will look through the paper and find any incorrect references. Correct those references and put them at the end of your abstract—(see below).

Corrected References Comment by Julia Parker: Note, there may only be one or two incorrect references, or there may be a lot more! You’ll have to be careful to find them all! You only need to include the references that you correct here—you don’t need to put the whole reference page.

Brigham, J., Ready, D., & Spier, S. (1990). Standards for evaluating the fairness of photographic lineups.
Basic and Applied Social Psychology,
11, 149-163.

Pezdek. K., Blandon-Gitlin, I., & Moore, C. (2003). Children’s face recognition memory: More evidence for the cross-race effect.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 760-763.

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