How would these relationships at GCU be important to your success?

Topic 4 DQ 1 Nov 13-15, 2023 Academic relationships are critical to your success at GCU. These relationships include faculty members, university staff, tutoring and career resources, and student engagement. How would these relationships be important to your success? Please provide specific examples of relationships you plan to develop and why. Reply my classmates below:…

Puberty and Adolescence Discussion

Cultural Relativity is the idea that behavior is different depending on culture. Choose two countries and, using articles from the internet (legitimate sources with authors – no Wikipedia or or encyclopedia sources), discuss at least two behaviors common in adolescents in those two cultures. Look for resources from sites such as National Geographic or…

4-1 Discussion: Coping Behaviors

In this module, you have explored stress and emotion regulation. An important aspect of dealing with stressors is coping behaviors. Being aware of what our coping strategies are and remembering to apply them can make a big difference in a person’s emotional well-being and resilience. Recognizing stressors and coping strategies can be helpful in both…

Dp 6-1: What does professional growth mean to you?

After exploring the resources for this week, please answer the following questions: What does professional growth mean to you? Why is networking so important? How can you do this more? How important is continued education for your future success? Support response with at least one peer-reviewed journal article with properly formatted APA in-text citation and…

What Type Are You?

 a.     Neo-Freudian Carl Jung created a set of personality types that have become popular for understanding oneself and others, including what jobs would be best for one and which people one would work best with in a relationship. Find out your type by taking the short test at Once you know your four-letter type…

Write a response to challenges you see in conducting a literature revidew

Write a response to challenges you see in conducting a literature revidew for the topic you selected in your final proposal. Be specific with solutions for addressing. Your response must demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and include references and examples from the material and resources. You may expand on previously submitted work if it…

3-1 Discussion: Are Computers Intelligent?

In this module, we explore intelligence. More specifically, we engage with theories on intelligence and question whether human intelligence can be found in computers. For your initial post, review the video The Turing Test: Can a Computer Pass for a Human?—Alex Gendler and answer the following questions: Is Turing’s test the right way to approach…