Understanding File Management and Editing Documents in Word

Understanding File Management and Editing Documents in WordThe editing features in Word allow you to move text from one location to another in a document. The operation of moving text is often called cut and paste. When you cut text, it is removed from the document and placed on the Clipboard, which is a temporary storage area for text and graphics that you cut or copy from a document. The Office Clipboard allows you to collect text and graphics from files created in any Office program and insert them into your Word documents. It holds up to 24 items.Understanding Folders and FilesClick “File” and “Save As.” The “Save As” dialog box appears.Look in the upper-right corner of the “Save As” dialog box. The folder with a star burst is the button to create a “New Folder.” Before clicking on the “New Folder” icon, look at the directory and drive that is open. You must decide if this is the location where you want to create a new folder and if you want to create the new folder in a different directory or drive.Consider where you want to create the new folder. On the top of the “Save As” dialog box is a “Save in” box that indicates what folder or directory is currently open. To change that location to another folder or directory, click the down arrow at the end of the “Save in” box and then choose the new location. You can also click on the “Up one level” icon, which is depicted in the upper-right portion of the dialog box as a file folder with a blue arrow.Click the “New Folder” icon button and the “New Folder” dialog box appears with an open box into which you can type the desired name for the new folder. After typing in the new folder name, click “OK.” The “Save As” dialog will then display the new folder as the save-as location.Enter the name for the document and then click “Save” to save the file in the folder.From the Word Ribbon, click Insert at the top of the menu and then click the down arrow next to Object and then Text from File (as shown below). Figure 1Select the file you wish to merge into the current document and click Insert. Once completed the text and other information from the document will be merged into the current document. These steps can be completed as many times as necessary if you want to merge multiple files.Please view the video .microsoft…./en-us/word-help/video-insert-items-in-a-document-VA103982196.aspx?CTT=5&origin=VA103982185″>Insert items in a document, which is a Microsoft® Office Word 2013 tutorial about the content discussed.Creating and Saving a FileWe now need to come up with a name for this particular document that we are saving. If you have a look at the bottom of the Save As dialogue box you will see two areas: one called File Name, and the other called Save As Type. The File Name area is where you type a name for your document. The Save As Type means which type of document it will be. Microsoft® Word documents from 2007 onwards end with the letters docx. Previously, the file was just a doc. If you sent someone a Word document with the ending docx, somebody with version 2003 of the software would not be able to open your file simply because previous Office versions do not know how to handle the newer format. The reverse is not true, though: they could send you a file that ended with the letters doc and you would be able to open it up in Word 2007, Word 2010, or Word 2013.Microsoft® Word allows you to save documents in a wide range of different formats. Click anywhere inside of the Save As Type area to see a list of the different formats: Figure 2The image shows that we have Word 97 – 2003 Document in the Save As Type area. The three letter extension shows .doc. The first one on the list, however, is Word Document .docx, which is the one we want. Make sure this one is selected in your Save As dialogue box.Now have a look at the File Name area. It should say Doc1.docx.If you clicked the Save button now, your file will be called “Doc1”. That is not a very descriptive name for a document, so we’ll change it to something else. To give your document a different name, simply click inside the File Name text box. Delete everything in the text box and type in a new name, something like “Library Letter.”Your Save As dialogue box should now look like the one below. When it does, click the Save button: Figure 3You have now saved your work to your hard drive. To prove that it has indeed been saved, click the round Office button in the top left (or the File tab in Word 2013). Select Save As. When the Save As dialogue box appears, you should see the name of your file in the big white area: Figure 4Click the Cancel button to get rid of the Save As dialogue box.You can continue to work on a document that has been saved. But if you add more lines to your letter, or make any changes, you need to keep saving your changes on regular basis. You do not have to use Save As anymore. You can just click the Office button or the File tab, then click on Save or click on the icon indicated in the images below. This will update your document.Figure 5A shortcut for saving your work is to hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard then simultaneously press the letter S.Remember to save your work on a regular basis. It is not a pleasant experience to have worked on a document for some time only for your computer to crash. Even if you finally get your computer to work again, you will find all that hard work lost forever, with no way to get it back if you have not saved regularly.If necessary, please review this tutorial about how to .microsoft…./en-us/word-help/video-save-a-word-document-VA103982188.aspx?CTT=5&origin=VA103982185″>Save a Word document, which appeared in the Module 1 Lecture Notes.Moving and renaming filesClick the Microsoft® Office button and then Open. Keyboard shortcut CTRL+O can also be used. Figure 6Navigate to the file you wish to rename, right-click the file and select Rename.Or from within Word you can select Open. Figure 7 Figure 8Type in the new name and press enter.Figure 9Searching for Files, Folders, and ProgramsOn the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Find. Or press CTRL+F. Figure 10The Navigation pane opens.In the Search Document box, type the text that you want to find.Click a result to see it in your document, or browse through all the results by clicking the Next Search Result and Previous Search Result arrows.Deleting and Restoring FilesClick Start orType the document name in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER.If the File list contains the document, double-click the document to open it in Word.If the File list does not contain the document, go to the next step.Click Start.Type *.doc in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER. Note: For Microsoft® Office Word 2007 documents, Word 2010, or Word 2013 documents, type *.docx.If the File list does not contain the file, then use the method below.Click Start or , click Search, and then click For Files or Folders.In the Search for files or folders named box, type the file name.In the Look in box, click My Computer.Click Search Now. If the Search Results box does not contain the file, proceed with the following steps to search for all Word documents.In the Search for files or folders named box, type *.doc. For Microsoft® Office Word 2007 documents, Word 2010, or Word 2013 documents, type *.docx.Click Search Now.If the Search Results box does not contain the file, view the Recycle Bin. To do this, follow these steps:On the desktop, double-click Recycle Bin.On the View menu, click Details.On the View menu, click Arrange Icons, and then click by Delete Date.Scroll through the files. If you find the document that you are looking for, right-click the document, and then click Restore.This procedure returns the document to its original location.Please view the video .youtube…./watch?v=0AxVMiRjgmQ”>How to recover unsaved Microsoft Works Word documents for more information.Copy and paste is similar to the cut and paste, but you are simply copying the information to include in another area of the document. The original material that you are copying is not deleted.The Find and Replace feature in Word allows you to automatically search for and replace all instances of the word or phrase in a document. The Spelling and Grammar checker flags possible mistakes, suggests correct spellings, and offers remedies for grammar errors, such as subject-verb agreement, repeated words, and punctuation. The Word Research feature allows you to quickly search reference sources for information related to a word or phrase. A hyperlink is text or a graphic that, when clicked, links the viewer to a different location or program. When a document is viewed on screen, hyperlinks allow readers to link to a Web page, an e-mail address, a file, or a specific location in a document. This hyperlink can prove extremely useful. You may have already seen hyperlinks in your classes. When you are directed to click on a link, this is a hyperlink. a minimum of 100 word essayFile management is a key topic . Based on your readings, what suggestions will you utilize for naming your files and keeping them organized? Why is file management important?

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