Unit 3 Examination – The primary difference between

14:1SPGFTTJPOBM&UIJDTBOEUIF-BX Unit 3 Examination Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)1. The primary difference between a boundary crossing and a boundary violation is ______.a. everyone agrees when a boundary has been violated, whereas it is hard to reach agreementas to whether a boundary has been crossedb. a violation involves a sexual relationshipc. a crossing occurs in almost every counseling session, while violations are less frequentd. in a crossing, a boundary is shifted to meet the needs of the counselor, making sure theclient is not harmed in the process.e. a violation involves a serious breach of the code of ethics that results in a client beingharmed 2. To be a culturally sensitive counselor, when a client from a different culture offers a counselora gift, the counselor ______.a.b.c.d.e. shouldshouldshouldshouldshould never accept the giftalways accept the gifttake into primary consideration the monetary value of the giftevaluate the meaning the client attaches to the offering of the giftconsider offering a similar gift in return 3. A counselor’s self-disclosure in a counseling session ______.a.b.c.d.e. may be acceptable if the counselor believes the disclosure will benefit the clientis acceptable if the client is not uncomfortable with the counselor’s disclosureis encouraged to demonstrate that the counselor is genuine and humanusually results in harm to the clientis a practice that is universally accepted by counseling professionals 4. Counselors who hug their clients ______.a. would never get into trouble as long as the counselor can justify the hug as part of thetherapeutic processb. are doing what almost all counselors do at some point in their careersc. will never be able to obtain professional liability insuranced. expose themselves to serious claims of ethical violations because of the prohibition againsttouching clients in the professional literaturee. should be cautious and ensure the client is comfortable with the touching 154 14:1SPGFTTJPOBM&UIJDTBOEUIF-BX Unit 3 Examination 5. The typical counselor who enters into a sexual relationship with a client is ______.a. one who has had a number of ethical complaints filed against him/her in the pastb. is a professionally isolated male counselor who is experiencing distress or crisis in hispersonal lifec. is a male counselor under the age of 30d. is a counselor who has few friends and who has low self-esteeme. is a person who has a number of emotional problems and who has been in counseling for anumber of years 6. Alice is a Licensed Professional Counselor who has counseled Thomas for several months. Anissue to which they have devoted considerable time is Thomas’ fear of failure, particularly interms of his ability to succeed academically and complete his G.E.D. When Thomas learns thathe has passed his G.E.D. exam, he asks Alice to attend the ceremony at which he will receivehis G.E.D. diploma, and she accepts the invitation. This is an example of ______.a.b.c.d.e. poor professional judgmenta boundary violationa boundary crossinga detrimental dual relationshipa violation of the code of ethics standard on non-professional relationships 7. Counselors may view a client’s social media profile ______.a.b.c.d.e. neverwhen the client has given the counselor consent to view the informationif the counselor has concerns about a client’s safetyto determine whether the client shares acquaintances with the counselorto verify a client’s identity 8. The following are true of distance counseling services EXCEPT:a. it can provide clients with greater access to counseling servicesb. it can present issues related to licensure and the ability to practice across state andinternational boundariesc. is controversial because the ACA Code of Ethics does not address this practiced. credentialing is available for counselors interested in distance counselinge. counselors must take steps to verify clients’ identities 155 14:1SPGFTTJPOBM&UIJDTBOEUIF-BX Unit 3 Examination 9. In distance counseling, informed consent should include ______.a. the type of software used, guarantee of confidentiality and privacy, and consent to viewclient social mediab. consent to waive the right to confidentiality and privacy, as it cannot be guaranteed indistance counselingc. consent to waive counselor liability in the event of a client crisis, as the counselor may bein a different time zone or otherwise inaccessibled. the same information as typical face-to-face informed consente. distance counseling credentials, cultural/language differences, time zone differences,emergency procedures to follow if the counselor is not available, anticipated responsetime, and possible denial of insurance 10. In distance counseling, counselors may be subject to ______.a. only the ethical standards developed by the state counseling association in which theclient residesb. ethical standards developed by ACA and state licensing boards, and the laws andregulations of both the counselor’s and the client’s physical locationsc. ethical standards, but not legal requirements, as laws do not yet address distancecounselingd. only the ethical standards developed by the state counseling association in which thecounselor residese. only ethical standards developed by NBCC for credentialed distance counselors 11. All of the following are challenges associated with distance counseling, EXCEPT:a.b.c.d.e. loss of body language, inflection, and other cues to communicationlicensing concerns relative to practicing across state and international boundarieslimited effectiveness of counseling services that are not delivered face-to-facereimbursement by insurance providersneed to continuously update ethical codes to address distance counseling 12. When communicating with clients over the phone, counselors should ______.a. inform the client that he or she must speak to the counselor face-to-face because phonecommunication of confidential issues is unethicalb. assume that the conversation cannot be intercepted due to encryption software on cellphonesc. acknowledge that the client is receiving services to unknown callers reporting that theyknow the clientd. state information off the record and informally if the client and counselor have goodrapporte. attempt to verify the client’s identity, and demonstrate caution and professionalism whendiscussing confidential information 156 14:1SPGFTTJPOBM&UIJDTBOEUIF-BX Unit 3 Examination 13. When reporting suspected child abuse in good faith, counselors should review their particularstate statute to determine all of the following EXCEPT:a.b.c.d.e. who must make the reportwhen the report must be madecounselor liability for defamation of characterwhether past abuse must be reportedwhether a written report is required in addition to an oral report 14. Dual relationships in school settings ______.a. seldom cause problemsb. don’t usually create misunderstandingsc. help students gain trust and respect for the counselor if the counselor has disciplinaryfunctions in the noncounseling relationshipd. generally should be avoidede. rarely occur when dealing with child abuse issues 15. As a professional counselor, you are required by law in all states to report ______.a.b.c.d.e. a client’s threat to commit a burglarysuspected child abuse or neglectunethical behavior of a colleagueknowledge that a client has tested positive for HIVall of the above 16. When it comes to determining who has the right to make decisions regarding a child’s life, thelaw favors ______.a.b.c.d.e. the adult with whom the child is livinggrandparents, if they are raising the childbiological parentsthe child himself or herselfthe child’s adult sibling 17. Each of the following groups might be considered to be vulnerable adults who are protectedfrom abuse in some states by statute EXCEPT:a.b.c.d.e. 157 developmentally disabled adultsseverely mentally ill adultselderly adultsphysically disabled adultsemotionally distressed adults 14:1SPGFTTJPOBM&UIJDTBOEUIF-BX Unit 3 Examination 18. The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics advises counselors to ______.a. uphold the confidentiality rights of their minor clients even when parents objectb. avoid legal liability by including parents in counseling sessions with their childrenc. avoid legal liability by disclosing to parents any risky behavior of a minor client, such asexperimenting with drugs or alcohold. establish collaborative relationships with parentse. obtain minor clients’ legal informed consent for counseling services 19. A counselor who is beginning a group ______.a. should require all group members to sign a pledge to keep information from the groupconfidentialb. should explain that nothing is confidential because group members do not have the sameobligation as professional counselors to keep information privatec. should explain that while the counselor will keep things confidential, there is no guaranteeothers in the group will do the samed. should guarantee all information in the group will remain privatee. should explain that group members who violate the confidentiality of other group memberswill be reported to the counselor licensure board. 20. Pre-screening of group members ______.a.b.c.d.e. isisisisis a good idea, but is not required by the ACA Code of Ethicsrequired by the ACA Code of Ethicsrecommended, but not required by the ACA Code of Ethicsan ethical practice that all counselors adhere toan ethical standard that is meant to protect counselors from being sued 21. Because children cannot give their legal consent to participate in family counseling ______.a. parental consent should be obtained in writing from both biological parentsb. they should not be included in family counseling prior to age 18c. it is illegal to include them in a family counseling session unless their parents haveconsented in writingd. a court order should be obtained before including a child in a family counseling situatione. they should be informed of the process of family counseling and their consent should besecured even though it is not legally required 158

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