Constructs: discuss your expectations for the assessment, the degree of complexity of the assessment items or questions, the perceived relevance of the assessment

 See attachment Part 1: Complete an assessment in your specialization area. Once you have completed the assessment, discuss your expectations for the assessment, the degree of complexity of the assessment items or questions, the perceived relevance of the assessment, and your anticipated results versus actual results (in general). Also, analyze the relevance to your specialization and…

Introduction of Individual Counseling Theories) Week 5

Respond to  2 students discussion using the rise Model Due Thursday November 16, 2023 by 11:00 pm Must Read Everything:  Reply to at least two classmate’s posts, applying the RISE Model for Meaningful Feedback I will also show an example below of how the response needs to be addressed. Here’s an example of how the…

GERO 320 WEEK 5 Discussion: Gendered Ageism

HELP PLEASE Week 5 Discussion: Gendered Ageism   Must post first. Subscribe After reviewing this week’s learning resources, respond to the following items: · Why is ageism considered the “most socially acceptable prejudice?” Provide an example of a time when you witnessed or experienced ageism.  · Explain the concepts of   intersectionality and  multiple jeopardies/marginalizations as they…



Review the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

  Wechsler has had a significant influence on intelligence testing for children and adults. Review the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition (WISC-V), which you can find on the Week 6: Cognitive AssessmentLinks to an external site. reading list. Discuss the validity of assessing intelligence; can it be accurately measured? Support your professional opinion with…

Social Science Week 4 Assignment (PBH333 Epidemiology)

  Week 4 Assignment Write 2-3 pages identifying and explaining your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages of the following Observational Study Designs discussed in Chapter 7.  Also, include a 1-2 paragraph summary explaining which study you think has more advantages over the others and why. You may include an example for…

mental illness and homelessness

what is mental illness   This approximately 10-12-page final paper should address a social problem experienced by a client, group or community and explain how policy, cultural diversity, HBSE, ethics, research, and practice knowledge would inform your assessment and intervention with this problem. For example, if a student chose to write about substance abuse and…


APA FORMAT.  THEY CHECK FOR PLAGERISM. INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ATTACHMENT  Project Overview This project is designed to provide opportunities to examine the concept of inequality in American life from a variety of perspectives. Deliverables 1. Minimum 3  page essay OR 2. 20 slide PowerPoint Presentation / Screencast Pleasse watch this screencast for a more developed discussion…

The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior

Can someone help me with an assignment for my grad class? Tavon McLaughlin-Steele 10/16/23 MCOM 670 Issue Analysis Topic The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior: A Complex Interaction Comment by Vardeman, Christopher: 22/25 -1 point for minor APA formatting errors (see my comment on p. 4). -2 points for no in-text citations. This…

Trends in Resource Development: evaluation of how societal, political, and/or technological events and changes lead to at least two trends in resource development

an evaluation of how societal, political, and/or technological events and changes lead to at least two trends in resource development. Analyze the potential impact of each trend on particular resource development strategies in the nonprofit organization you selected for your Final Project. Provide specific examples to support your analysis.