The primary principles of American Founding are: The rights for individuals

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The primary principles of American Founding are: The rights for individuals, separation of powers, laws and liberty. When it comes to the rights for individuals, there were laws put in place to guarantee that all Americans were treated equally and given the same freedom. The rights of individuals were put in to place to make sure that every person born into America would have certain rights such as life, liberty and property. The separation of powers made sure that there were levels to government power; local, state, and national levels. This separation of power ensured that there was a system of checks and balance to help prevent an abuse of power. Have laws in place helps govern each and every individual. The laws are put in place to make sure we are all treated equally and fairly. Liberty somewhat goes hand and hand with being treated equally and fairly. Through the Liberty we all have our freedoms. For example, freedom of speech and religion. You can find these principles in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. In all honesty, The United States does try to be consistent with these principles. Is it perfect? Most definitely not however, I do feel that there are some individuals in the position of power who do try to stand firm on the principles of American Founding. In all honesty, I do believe that we have lost sight of the “American Dream”. When it comes down to the Democratic and Republican parties, I do not know much. I try to stay current with the current events that are going on. I do believe that there is a common ground that both the Democrats and Republicans stand on but, they would rather be right then work together.

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