The American Founding has principles that are rooted in historical documents such as the Declaration of Independence


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The American Founding has principles that are rooted in historical documents such as the Declaration of Independence. For example, Individual Liberty, Limited Government, Rule of law, Popular Sovereignty, and Federalism.  The primary principals show, “that all people are created equal…fundamental rights, such as liberty, free speech, freedom of religion, due process of law, and freedom of assembly.”(Hutchins et al.; “The American Founders and Their Relevance Today”) Individuals liberties in the Declaration of Independence emphasize the unalienable right’s like life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. In todays governement, there is an argument about if the new policy’s and actions are inconsistent with the Founders of The United States. I believe the role of parties has made the current governement inconsistent with the principles of Americans founding, because the expansion of federal government. This can be seen in the principals of Limited government as outlined in the Constitution the creation of checks and balances to prevent concentration of power in any one branch. Each party, Democrat or Republican, has its own influence and set views on role and size of the government. While yes there is consistency with the party most of the time there is no consistency with issues in the America. A principal that is very controversial today between both parties is federalism but the founders established this system to divide powers between national and state governments. This was aimed to have balance between centralized and authority and local autonym but both parties have different views on this not leading to inconsistency from the founders establishment. While, “every generation “rediscovers” the American Founders and interprets them for its own age.”(“The American Founders and Their Relevance Today”) shows the inconsistency that was built from the beginning to have one purpose and goal to not be altered. The following issues that are far from the founding’s and consistently changing are government intervention in health care, enviromental policies, and freedom debates.  While the government and parties are subjective and influenced by the public with new perspectives and values of the founding principals this continues the ongoing discussion about the fidelity to the founders vision in the contemporary context.


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