Research Methods In Criminal Justice: The Correlation Between Depression in Baltimore Police Officers and Spousal Aggression

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The Correlation Between Depression in Baltimore Police Officers and Spousal Aggression

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DeVylder, J., Fedina, L., & Link, B. (2020). Impact of Police Violence on Mental Health: A Theoretical Framework.
American Journal of Public Health,
110(11), 1704–1710.

A theoretical framework for understanding the effect of police violence on mental health is presented in this article. The authors stress the necessity of this kind of framework in light of the US government’s growing identification of police violence as a public health issue. They identify eight potentially significant factors that differentiate police violence from other types of traumas and exposure to violence. These factors include but are not limited to, perceived racial and class biases, state-sanctioned violence, having access to a weapon, and the possibility of going to jail. According to the article, these factors could exacerbate the psychological effects of police violence on people, which could influence their mental health. This framework offers a useful foundation for further research, even though it is speculative due to the lack of previous empirical research. Because they provide a foundation for comprehending the particulars of police violence exposure and its possible impacts on mental health, the findings are significant to the discussion of depression in Baltimore police officers and its relationship to spousal aggressiveness.

Foley, J., Jones, F. W., Hassett, A., & Williams, E. (2023).
Holding onto trauma?
” The
prevalence and predictors of PTSD, anxiety and depression in police officers working with child abuse, rape and sexual exploitation victims

The frequency and predictors of PTSD, anxiety, and depression in UK police officers who look into incidents of child abuse, rape, and sexual exploitation are the main subjects of this study. According to the research, a significant number of officers had these mental health conditions at a clinical level. Poorer mental health was demonstrated by female police, constables, those who worked with victims of child abuse, and those who had less social support. Furthermore, social support has been recognized as a possible defense against these mental health issues, especially when it comes to extended employment. This study clarifies the mental health issues that police officers encounter when handling distressing situations and offers important new information about possible associations between depression and officer-spouse aggression. The study’s findings advance knowledge about police officers’ mental health and guide developing interventions to assist it.

Sharp, M.-L., Solomon, N., Harrison, V., Gribble, R., Cramm, H., Pike, G., & Fear, N. T. (2022). The mental health and wellbeing of spouses, partners and children of emergency responders: A systematic review.
17(6), e0269659.

The purpose of this systematic review is to investigate the mental health and overall wellness of families that work with emergency responders, such as firefighters, police, and paramedics. The study investigates various results and experiences related to emergency responder (ER) families studied globally. It lists forty-three pertinent studies, most conducted in the US. Positive outcomes, family support, child mental health, couple relationships, and married/partner mental health are some of the research themes. The review finds little data on the frequency of outcomes related to mental health and wellbeing. The detrimental effects of ER work-related stress on partner and spouse well-being, domestic violence, and couple relationships are risk factors. Risk factors for traumatizing exposure include worries about the safety of the ER partner and how an ER partner’s mental health problems may affect family dynamics. Protective factors include social support. However, organizational assistance for families appears to be lacking in certain research. To better understand the requirements of ER families and strengthen their support networks, the study emphasizes the necessity for more research in this field. The article’s findings, which provide insight into the mental health and wellness of emergency responder families, are extremely pertinent to the subject at hand. It’s critical to comprehend the challenges and risks that these families confront to meet their requirements and offer efficient support networks.

French, K. A., & Fletcher, K. A. (2022). Officer-involved domestic violence: A call for action among I-O psychologists.
Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
15(4), 604–608.

In tackling the problem of officer-involved domestic violence, this article highlights the contribution that industrial and organizational (I-O) psychologists may make to the field. It draws attention to how common domestic violence is in police families and how little information there has been about the issue in the last 30 years. According to the article, several factors, such as concerns with police culture, exposure to violence, and anxieties associated with one’s profession, might contribute to officer-involved domestic violence. It covers several viewpoints on the reasons why police officers commit domestic violence, including stress response, being socialized into violent conduct, and personal characteristics. The writers emphasize that it is the ethical duty of I-O psychologists to address this matter, and they advise applying their knowledge to recognize and manage risk factors at the individual and systemic levels. They suggest modifications to the task design, procedures for selection, and required reporting as possible remedies. According to the article, I-O psychologists should interact with police forces and push for structural adjustments that reduce the incidence of domestic violence involving officers. Because it explores the issue of officer-involved domestic violence and the role that I-O psychologists play in resolving it, this article directly relates to the research topic. Your study and suggestions for resolving this issue can be informed by the insights it offers into the factors causing it and the potential remedies it presents.

Otto, D., & Gatens, A. (2022, May 24).
ICJIA | Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.

To investigate the relationship between depression in Baltimore law enforcement personnel and spousal aggressiveness in the setting of their families, Otto and Gatens (2022) undertake an extensive literature analysis on the subject of police officer stress. The writers examine a range of sources, stressing the exposure to violence, organizational stressors, and shift work that police personnel must deal with. These pressures may exacerbate unfavorable consequences like depression. The report goes on to say that sadness may result in unhealthy coping strategies, which may raise the possibility of marital violence in the households of police officers. According to the findings, police officers who receive depression management and prevention services are less likely to experience spousal aggressiveness, which could have a good effect on their families. Research focusing on the mental health and general well-being of Baltimore police officers and their families can benefit greatly from the insights this article offers.

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