Generalist Practice: Identify cultural values unique to a specific cultural group


· Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, Jr. G. H. (2018)
. Understanding generalist practice (8th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

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· Chapter 12, “Culturally Competent Social Work Practice” (pp. 467–496)

· National Association of Social Workers. (2015). 

Standards and indicators for cultural competence in social work practice

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To Prepare: Identify cultural values unique to a specific cultural group.

Post a response to the following:

· Describe a cultural value evident in a culture other than your own that you have worked with or that is a part of your community.

· Explain how you would adapt intervention skills when working with this client from a culture different than your own.

Respond to two colleagues who selected a different culture. Explain how your colleagues might integrate an additional or alternate skill.


· Describe a cultural value evident in a culture other than your own that you have worked with or that is a part of your community.

A cultural value evident in Asian culture is respecting elders in their family and other parental figures in the community that is a part of my community. In the traditional Asian family, parents define the law, and the children are expected to abide by their requests and demands; filial piety or respect for one’s parents and elders is critically essential. Respecting authority figures manifests in rules of conduct, such as only speaking when spoken to or if there is something important to say (Ed, n.d.). In Asian culture, the family is seen as one unit. Thus, independent behavior that may disrupt the harmony of the family is highly discouraged. One must never bring dishonor or disgrace to oneself or the family.

· Explain how you would adapt intervention skills when working with this client from a culture different than your own.

When working with clients that have a different cultural background from the social worker, it is a must that cultural competency is utilized during intervention. As a social worker, it is very crucial to be aware of one’s own cultural beliefs and values as well as respect and learn from someone from a different background. According to NASW Cultural Standards (2003), Cultural competence in social work practice implies a heightened consciousness of how culturally diverse populations experience their uniqueness and deal with their differences and similarities within a larger social context. Showing clients that their culture matters and that effort was put in to obtain needed information to assist them, but also room for improvement would give the client a sense of being valued and that the social worker cares and can be trusted.



Ed, M. C. M. (n.d.). 
Cultural values of Asian Patients and Families | Dimensions of culture.

National Association of Social Workers. (2003). Standards for Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice.


Describe a cultural value evident in a culture other than your own that you have worked with or that is a part of your community.

Muslim people consider religion an essential factor in their lives. For Muslims, religion is their fundamental identity; even non-observant Muslims seek spiritual and religious intervention when facing health problems (Jabeen et al., 2022). Muslims connect to God through five daily prayers and worship (Jabeen et al., 2022). Their religious beliefs might sometimes harm patients experiencing psychosis who express delusion with a religious element (Jabeen et al., 2022). They include kindness (to people and animals), charity, forgiveness, honesty, patience justice, respecting parents and elders, keeping promises and controlling one’s anger, love of god and those god loves. 

Explain how you would adapt intervention skills when working with this client from a culture different than your own.

One approach that has been recommended is the localization of social work: using fundamental  different social  work knowledge base and approach with different cultural groups. When working with the Muslim population, the provider must better understand the individual’s religion and spirituality (Jabeen et al., 2022). The first step of a culturally competent provider is to acquire a more profound knowledge of the importance of religion for some groups in the community (Jabeen et al., 2022). According to Jabeen (2022), providers can only know the real impact of religion on the health and well-being of their Muslim clients by studying Islam as their way of life rather than as a religion. As a social worker I would make sure to educate myself and do homework when it comes to learning about my clients and their background. You never want to disrespect or judge your clients.
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