The Vehicle of Culture – Your Future Career

The Vehicle of Culture – Your Future Career & CommunicationLinguistic Field AssignmentAnswer the questions below on the impact of “language” in anthropology to your major of study (Marketing).How does language STRUCTURE (vocabulary/jargon/acronyms) impact or play a role in communication settings and interactions IN A MARKETING DEGREEHow does language HISTORY impact or play a role in communication settings and interactions IN A MARKETING DEGREEHow do GESTURES (body language/facial expressions/eye-contact) impact or play a role in communication settings and interactions IN A MARKETING DEGREEHow do PARALANGUAGE (vocalizations/volume/intensity/pitch) impact or play a role in communication settings and interactions IN A MARKETING DEGREEHow do PROXIMICS (space) impact or play a role in communication settings and interactions IN A MARKETING DEGREEHow does GENDER impact or play a role in communication settings and interactions IN A MARKETING DEGREEHow do DIALECTS impact or play a role in communication settings and interactions IN A MARKETING DEGREEHow does TECHNOLOGY impact or play a role in communication settings and interactions IN A MARKETING DEGREEHow does GLOABILZATION (Worldwide connectedness) impact or play a role in communication settings and interactions IN A MARKETING DEGREEAnswer the Questions below to apply the subfield of Anthropological Linguistics to your chosen future career/major path:WHERE? Describe the physical environments/locations you will be working. What will be necessary for successful communication beyond words alone?Body Language, facial expressions, eye-contact Written communication Volume, tone, speed Proxemics (How are people using the space in their communication?)WHY? Why is successful communication important in this career field/s? What is the purpose of your future career and what role does communication play in determining your professional success?WHAT? – What can you do to prepare yourself for successful communication in your future career path/s? How can a better understanding of linguistics help you address the problems/issues you expect to face in your future career/s?

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