Southwestern BIOL 110 – All vertebrates are classified into the phylum

Question 1 (1 point)All vertebrates are classified into the phylum Chordata, but this phylum also contains twogroups of invertebrates, the __________ and the ___________,Question 1 options: A) Urochordata (tunicates), Cephalochordata (lancelets)B) Asteroidea (sea stars), Holothuroidea (sea slugs)C) Cephalopoda (octopi, squids, etc.), Scaphopoda (tusk and tooth shells)SaveQuestion 2 (1 point)The simplest animal phylum consists of which animals and is called what?Question 2 options: A) anemones, AnthrozoaB) sponges, AnthozoaC) sponges, PoriferaSaveQuestion 3 (1 point)The primary difference between amphibians and reptiles is what?Question 3 options: A) Reptiles have teeth, whereas amphibians do not.B) Reptiles have an extra bone in the ear called the auricular operculum;amphibians do not. C) Amphibians have a moist, permeable skin, while reptiles have a dry, scaly skSaveQuestion 4 (1 point)How could you determine if a newly discovered animal were a vertebrate or aninvertebrate?Question 4 options: A) test for the presence of a spinal column by dissection or x-rayB) test for the presence of DNAC) test for the ability of the organism to respond to stimuli with movementSaveQuestion 5 (1 point)Animals with bilateral symmetry have ___________, which other animal do not:Question 5 options: A) a head and anusB) a shellC) a right and left sideSaveQuestion 6 (1 point) What is the major distinction scientists use to divide the animal kingdom?Question 6 options: A) whether the animal has a vertebral column or notB) whether the animal has an endoskeleton or notC) whether the animal has an exoskeleton or notSaveQuestion 7 (1 point)Which of the following is not a member of the phylum Arthropoda?Question 7 options: A) spidersB) sea urchinsC) millipedesSaveQuestion 8 (1 point)The most primitive vertebrates alive today are the ________ and __________.Question 8 options: A) sharks, raysB) hagfishes, lampreysC) tunicates, lanceletsSaveQuestion 9 (1 point)Which of the following animals does not have a chambered heart?Question 9 options: A) sheepB) earthwormC) frogSaveQuestion 10 (1 point)The vast majority of animal species alive today belong to which major group?Question 10 options: A) vertebrataB) invertebratesC) chordataSaveQuestion 11 (1 point)Which of the following classes have the defining life cycle feature of a prominent medusaform and a brief, minor polyp form?Question 11 options: A) Schyphozoa (jellies)B) Anthozoa (anemones)C) Platyhelminthes (flatworms)SaveQuestion 12 (1 point)Which statement is NOT true about echinoderms?Question 12 options: A) The exoskeleton is made up of bony tissue. B) Gas exchange occurs through gills on the skin. C) Larvae are free-swimming and bilaterally symmetrical. D) A water vascular system allows the tube feet to produce suction. E) Symmetry is radial in the adult, usually with parts in fives or multiples of fivSaveQuestion 13 (1 point)Which of these characteristics first developed in reptiles?Question 13 options: A) amniotic egg B) scales on skin C) four-legged body D) skull and vertebral columnE) animals with lungs.SaveQuestion 14 (1 point)The largest animal group, both in number of species and number of individuals, is theQuestion 14 options: A) annelids. B) crustacea. C) insects. D) reptiles.E) fishes.SaveQuestion 15 (1 point)Which of the following statements is NOT correct about cnidaria?Question 15 options: A) The adult body is bilaterally symmetrical. B) Most are found in shallow coastal marine environments. C) There are two tissue layers, an outer epidermis and inner gastrodermis. D) Stinging cells contain a threadlike nematocyst released to capture prey. E) A jellylike mesoglea contains cells that form a nerve net throughout the bodSaveQuestion 16 (1 point)Amphibians are NOT considered to be fully adapted to life on land becauseQuestion 16 options: A) they are dependent upon water for external fertilization. B) their skin is used for respiration. C) they have hopping legs. D) their skin is used for respiration.E) most amphibians live their entire lives in water.SaveQuestion 17 (1 point)Which of the following statements about planaria is NOT true?Question 17 options: A) There is a rudimentary circulatory system with a small central heart. B) Planaria cut in half can regenerate to form two complete worms. C) Active movement occurs through ciliary cells and muscle movement. D) Tissue levels include endoderm (inner), mesoderm (middle), and ectoderm(outer). E) Cephalization is shown by the formation of a brain and sense organs in a heregion. SaveQuestion 18 (1 point)Which feature is not found in the lophotrochozoa?Question 18 options: A) As embryos they have two germ layers that develop into their body system B) Aquatic lifestyle. C) Bilaterally symmetrical during some stage of their development. D) Use a lophophore as a feeding apparatus.E) They are protostomes.SaveQuestion 19 (1 point)A major characteristic of the arthropods is the presence ofQuestion 19 options: A) flame cells. B) radial symmetry. C) a soft exoskeleton. D) a closed circulatory system.E) jointed appendages.SaveQuestion 20 (1 point)Which of these is NOT a characteristic of a shark?Question 20 options: A) ability to sense electric currents in the water B) skeleton of cartilage C) a sucker used to attach to prey D) ability to sense pressure of other swimming objectsE) ability to detect blood in minute amountsSaveQuestion 21 (1 point)What system do the cnidaria have that sponges lack?Question 21 options: A) respiratory B) nervous C) circulatory D) excretoryE) reproductiveSaveQuestion 22 (1 point)The cephalopods resemble other molluscs because they haveQuestion 22 options: A) focusing camera-type eyes. B) a siphon for jet-propulsion. C) a parrot-like beak for tearing prey. D) well-developed brains with high learning capacity.E) most of the internal organs located in a visceral mass.SaveQuestion 23 (1 point)Which of these is NOT a characteristic of sponges?Question 23 options: A) sessile filter feeders B) body wall has two cell layers C) flagellated collar cells move water D) water enters through a single cavity, the osculumE) amoeboid cells transport food and make skeletal fibers and gametesSaveQuestion 24 (1 point)Which description best fits the lophotrochozoa?Question 24 options: A) As embryos they have three germ layers that will develop into the organ levof organization as adults. B) As embryos they have two germ layers that will develop into the tissue leveorganization as adults. C) Lophotrochozoa are deuterostomes. D) Lophotrochozoa are primarily a terrestrial group.E) The lophophore, a flagellated appendage, is used to define members of thisgroup. SaveQuestion 25 (1 point)An animal that is characterized by vertebrae, dorsal hollow nerve cord, hair, and mammaryglands must be a(n)Question 25 options: A) fish. B) amphibian. C) reptile. D) bird.E) mammal.SaveQuestion 26 (1 point)Which of the following statements is NOT true about the flatworms?Question 26 options: A) Tapeworms have a ladder-type nervous system similar to other flatworms. B) Planaria contain pigmented, photosensitive eyespots. C) Liver flukes and blood flukes are parasites in humans only. D) Schistosomiasis is a common human blood disease caused by flukes in tropareas. E) Tapeworms are hermaphroditic, having both male and female reproductivestructures in each proglottid. SaveQuestion 27 (1 point) Which statement is NOT true about invertebrate animals?Question 27 options: A) The vast majority of animal species are invertebrates. B) Many invertebrate species live in a marine environment. C) Most animal phyla are invertebrates. D) All major invertebrate groups arose from protistan ancestors.E) Invertebrates lack a nervous system.SaveQuestion 28 (1 point)Which of the following is NOT true about protostomes?Question 28 options: A) They are types of advanced invertebrates. B) They form a true coelom. C) The first opening during embryonic development becomes the anus. D) They will become mollusks, annelids, and arthropods.E) They are more advanced than acoelomates, but not as advanced asdeuterostomes. SaveQuestion 29 (1 point)Echinoderms and cnidariansQuestion 29 options: A) are both radially symmetrical. B) both have three germ layers. C) both have the sac body plan. D) are both deuterostomes.E) are both found in freshwater.SaveQuestion 30 (1 point)Defining characteristics of chordates areQuestion 30 options: A) segmentation, dorsal hollow nerve cord, gill arches or pharyngeal pouches. B) dorsal hollow nerve cord, notochord, bilateral symmetry, and post-anal tail. C) bilateral symmetry, segmentation, and well-developed coelom. D) well-developed coelom, gill arches or pharyngeal pouches, and notochord.E)Save gill arches or pharyngeal pouches, dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord, anpost-anal tail.

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