Analyze the new system and determine the design

Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you:1.Analyze the new system and determine the design issues with this new system.Describe how you would correct the design issues with the system to make the restaurant managers happy.Create a design plan that:Lists and explains the tasks associated with improving this interface.Contains at least six (6) tasks.Includes realistic time estimates for each task to be completed.Analyzes the development of the system in your plan.Analyzes the testing of the system in your plan.Analyzes the implementation of the system in your plan.Examine how this system balanced security and usability, and explain the challenges of incorporating system security and system usability into a design.Suggest changes that could be made to the security of this system to still meet security objectives but make the system more usable.Use Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative, Dia, to create a graphical representation of your proposed interface. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length….e at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.Include charts or diagrams created in Excel, Visio, MS Project, or one of their equivalents such as Open Project, Dia, and OpenOffice. The completed diagrams/charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:·Describe the usability properties of interactive systems.·Describe the inherent design issues across HCI environments·Develop an interface `·Use technology and information resources to research issues in human-computer interaction.·Write clearly and concisely about HCI topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.Points: 100Case Study 3: SecurityCriteriaUnacceptableBelow 70% FFair70-79% CProficient80-89% BExemplary90-100% A1. Analyze the new system and determine the design issues with this new system.Weight: 15%Did not submit or incompletely analyzed the new system and did not submit or incompletely determined the design issues with this new system.Partially analyzed the new system and partially determined the design issues with this new system.Satisfactorily analyzed the new system and satisfactorily determined the design issues with this new system.Thoroughly analyzed the new system and thoroughly determined the design issues with this new system.2. Describe how you would correct the design issues with the system to make the restaurant managers happy.Weight: 15%Did not submit or incompletely described how you would correct the design issues with the system to make the restaurant managers happy.Partially described how you would correct the design issues with the system to make the restaurant managers happy.Satisfactorily described how you would correct the design issues with the system to make the restaurant managers happy.Thoroughly described how you would correct the design issues with the system to make the restaurant managers happy.3a. Create a design plan that lists and explains the tasks associated with improving this interface.Weight: 3%Did not submit or incompletely created a design plan that lists and explains the tasks associated with improving this interface.Partially created a design plan that lists and explains the tasks associated with improving this interface.Satisfactorily created a design plan that lists and explains the tasks associated with improving this interface.Thoroughly created a design plan that lists and explains the tasks associated with improving this interface.3b. Create a design plan that contains at least six (6) tasks.Weight: 3%Did not submit or incompletely created a design plan that contains at least six (6) tasks.Partially created a design plan that contains at least six (6) tasks.Satisfactorily created a design plan that contains at least six (6) tasks.Thoroughly created a design plan that contains at least six (6) tasks.3c. Create a design plan that includes realistic time estimates for each task to be completed.Weight: 3%Did not submit or incompletely created a design plan that includes realistic time estimates for each task to be completed.Partially created a design plan that includes realistic time estimates for each task to be completed.Satisfactorily created a design plan that includes realistic time estimates for each task to be completed.Thoroughly created a design plan that includes realistic time estimates for each task to be completed.3d. Create a design plan that analyzes the development of the system in your plan.Weight: 2%Did not submit or incompletely created a design plan that analyzes the development of the system in your plan.Partially created a design plan that analyzes the development of the system in your plan.Satisfactorily created a design plan that analyzes the development of the system in your plan.Thoroughly created a design plan that analyzes the development of the system in your plan.3e. Create a design plan that analyzes the testing of the system in your plan.Weight: 2%Did not submit or incompletely created a design plan that analyzes the testing of the system in your plan.Partially created a design plan that analyzes the testing of the system in your plan.Satisfactorily created a design plan that analyzes the testing of the system in your plan.Thoroughly created a design plan that analyzes the testing of the system in your plan.3f. Create a design plan that analyzes the implementation of the system in your plan.Weight: 2%Did not submit or incompletely created a design plan that analyzes the implementation of the system in your plan.Partially created a design plan that analyzes the implementation of the system in your plan.Satisfactorily created a design plan that analyzes the implementation of the system in your plan.Thoroughly created a design plan that analyzes the implementation of the system in your plan.4. Examine how this system balanced security and usability, and explain the challenges of incorporating system security and system usability into a design.Weight: 15%Did not submit or incompletely examined how this system balanced security and usability and did not submit or incompletely explained the challenges of incorporating system security and system usability into a design.Partially examined how this system balanced security and usability and partially explained the challenges of incorporating system security and system usability into a design.Satisfactorily examined how this system balanced security and usability and satisfactorily explained the challenges of incorporating system security and system usability into a design.Thoroughly examined how this system balanced security and usability and thoroughly explained the challenges of incorporating system security and system usability into a design.5. Suggest changes that could be made to the security of this system to still meet security objectives but make the system more usable.Weight: 15%Did not submit or incompletely suggested changes that could be made to the security of this system to still meet security objectives but make the system more usable.Partially suggested changes that could be made to the security of this system to still meet security objectives but make the system more usable.Satisfactorily suggested changes that could be made to the security of this system to still meet security objectives but make the system more usable.Thoroughly suggested changes that could be made to the security of this system to still meet security objectives but make the system more usable.6. Use Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative, Dia, to create a graphical representation of your proposed interface.Weight: 10%Did not submit or incompletely used Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative, Dia, to create a graphical representation of your proposed interface.Partially used Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative, Dia, to create a graphical representation of your proposed interface.Satisfactorily used Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative, Dia, to create a graphical representation of your proposed interface.Thoroughly used Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative, Dia, to create a graphical representation of your proposed interface.7. 3 referencesWeight: 5%No references providedDoes not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices.Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.8. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirementsWeight: 10%More than 6 errors present5-6 errors present3-4 e

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