PHL103 Assignment_1 Week 3

Counterargument PaperThis paper assignment expands upon your Week One Assignment and prepares you for theFinal Paper. The expansion is to learn to improve one’s argument after investigating andfairly representing the opposite point of view. The main new tasks are to revise your previousargument created in Week One, to present a counterargument (an argument for a contraryconclusion), and to develop an objection to your original argument.Here are the steps to prepare to write the counterargument paper: Begin reviewing your previous paper paying particular attention to suggestions forimprovement made by your instructor. Revise your argument, improving it as much as possible, accounting for anysuggestions and in light of further material you have learned in the course. If yourargument is inductive, make sure that it is strong. If your argument is deductive,make sure that it is valid. Construct what you take to be the strongest possible argument for a conclusioncontrary to the one you argued for in your Week One paper. This is yourcounterargument. This should be based on careful thought and appropriate research. Consider the primary points of disagreement between the point of view of youroriginal argument and that of the counterargument. Think about what you take to be the strongest objection to your original argumentand how you might answer the objection while being fair to both sides. Search in theAshford University Library for quality academic sources that support some aspect ofyour argument or counterargument. In your paper, Present a revised argument in standard form, with each premise and the conclusionon a separate line. Present a counterargument in standard form, with each premise and the conclusionon a separate line. Provide support for each premise of your counterargument. Clarify the meaning ofthe premise and supporting evidence for the premise.o Pay special attention to those premises that could be seen as controversial.Evidence may include academic research sources, supporting arguments, orother ways of demonstrating the truth of the premise (for more ideas abouthow to support the truth of premises take a look at the instructor guidance forthis week). This section should include at least one scholarly researchsource. For guidance about how to develop a conclusion see the AshfordWriting Center’s Introductions and Conclusions. Explain how the conclusion of the counterargument follows from its premises. [Oneparagraph] Discuss the primary points of disagreement between sincere and intelligentproponents of both sides. [One to two paragraphs]o For example, you might list any premises or background assumptions onwhich you think such proponents would disagree and briefly state what yousee as the source of the disagreement, you could give a brief explanation ofany reasoning that you think each side would find objectionable, or you coulddo a combination of these. Present the best objection to your original argument. Clearly indicate what part of theargument your objection is aimed at, and provide a paragraph of supporting evidencefor the objection. Reference at least one scholarly research source. [One to twoparagraphs]o See the “Practicing Effective Criticism” section of Chapter 9 of your primarytextbook for more information about how to present an objection. For further instruction on how to create arguments, see the How to Construct a Valid MainArgument and Tips for Creating an Inductively Strong Argumentdocuments as well as thevideo Constructing Valid Arguments.For an example of how to complete this paper, take a look at the following WeekThree Annotated Example. Let your instructor know if you have questions about how tocomplete this paper. Writing specialists are here 24/7, every day of the year, ready to support you! Click HERE to instantly chat with an online tutor. Click HERE to submit your paper for a review. Papers are returned within 24 hours with a revision plan. Click HERE to email us any writing questions. For additional writing resources like Grammarly, click on the Writing Center tab in the left navigationpane. The Counterargument Paper Must be 500 to 800 words in length (not including title and references pages) andformatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (for moreinformation about using APA style, take a look at the APA Essay Checklist forStudents webpage). Must include a separate title page with the following:o Title of paper o Student’s name o Course name and number o Instructor’s name o Date submitted Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text. The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additionalguidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether aspecific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor.Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for aparticular assignment. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (formore information about how to create an APA reference list, take a look at the APAReferences List webpage). Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style asoutlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate yourassignment.

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