Indiana ECON E321 – Homework assignment 6 1

Fall 2016Homework assignment #6 1. The marginal revenue curve of a non-price-discriminating monopolist lies below the demandcurve because:a. the demand curve is unit elastic.b. the monopolist must lower price on all units sold in order to sell additional units.c. the monopolist is a price taker.d. the marginal revenue curve coincides with the average revenue curve.2. The following figure shows the marginal revenue [MR], demand, and average cost [AC]curves for a profit-maximizing monopolist in the long run. Refer to the Figure above. A profit-maximizing monopoly firm will produce output equal to_____.a. OCb. OEc. OJd. CJ3. Which of the following is not necessarily true at the profit-maximizing quantity for amonopolist?a. The marginal revenue is equal to the marginal cost of production.b. The slope of the marginal revenue curve equals the slope of the marginal cost curve.c. The difference between total revenue and total cost is maximized.d. The difference between price and average cost is maximized. 4. The following figure shows the marginal cost [MC], average cost [AC], marginal revenue[MR], and demand curves for a profit-maximizing monopolist.Figure 11-2 Refer to Figure 11-2 above. The profit earned by the monopolist is given by the area _____.a. BHLMb. IDNc. AFLMd. AFHB5. Refer to Figure 11-2 above that shows the marginal cost [MC], average cost [AC], marginalrevenue [MR], and demand curves for a profit-maximizing monopolist. If the governmentwishes to regulate the monopoly firm by setting the price at OB in the market, the monopolistwill:a. produce the efficient quantity of output.b. have to shut down to cut losses.c. continue to earn economic profits.d. earn a higher profit. 6. Acme Baseball Bats is a monopoly firm. If the marginal cost of producing a baseball bat is$30, and the absolute value of price elasticity of demand for Acme Baseball Bat Company isestimated to be 4, at what price should Acme set its price if it wants to maximize profits?a. $30b. $40c. $50d. $607. Suppose your pharmaceutical company, which operates as a monopoly, has a patent on adrug with an estimated price elasticity of demand of 1.2. If the marginal cost of producing eachpill is $3, at what price should you sell your drug if profit maximization is your objective?a. $3b. $9c. $16d. $188. If marginal costs are zero, a monopolist will maximize profit by producing at the pointwhere:a. average revenue is zero.b. price is maximum.c. total revenue is maximum.d. marginal revenue is maximum.9. When the value of the Lerner index is zero for a firm:a. its demand curve is steeply sloped.b. its demand curve is non-linear.c. the demand for its product is unit elastic.d. the demand for its product is perfectly elastic.10. The following figure 11-1 shows the downward-sloping demand curve [D] and marginalrevenue [MR] curve and the upward-sloping marginal cost [MC] curve for a monopolist. Based on Figure 11-1, the unregulated monopolist will receive producer surplus equal to area:a. ACF.b. BCFH.c. AVFH.d. AWEH.11. Figure 11-1 above shows the downward-sloping demand curve [D] and marginal revenue[MR] curve and the upward-sloping marginal cost [MC] curve for a monopolist. If thegovernment wishes to regulate the monopoly firm by restricting the price at OC in the market,the demand curve facing the monopolist will be equal to _____.a. VDb. CIJc. CFDd. FD12. The deadweight loss of a monopoly arises from:a. the loss of consumer surplus being greater than the gain in producer surplus.b. the transfer of producer surplus to consumers.c. the loss in producer surplus being greater than the gain in consumer surplus.d. the combined loss of consumer and producer surplus. 13. Prove that the linear demand curve, Q = a ? bP where a and b are positive constants, isunit elastic at its mid-point (i.e., at the midpoint between zero and the intercept).14. Which of the following is true of the comparison between a non-price discriminatingmonopoly and a perfectly price discriminating monopoly?a. The non-price discriminating monopolist will produce a higher amount of output.b. The non-price discriminating monopolist will have more producer surplus.c. The non-price discriminating monopolist will impose a greater efficiency loss.d. The non-price discriminating monopolist will capture more consumer surplus.15. Which of the following is the closest example of block pricing?a. An airline providing discounts to its frequent-flyers as they fly moreb. At an auction of antique furniture, each piece of furniture is sold to the highest bidderc. A golf-club imposing a very high entry fee to reduce membership requestsd. An electric utility charging higher rates to the customers in the summer season than in thewinter season16. Price discrimination is more common for firms selling services than for manufacturing firmsbecause:a. it is easier to prevent arbitrage of a service than of a manufactured product.b. monopoly is more common in the production of services than in production of manufacturedgoods.c. price elasticities of demand differ more among consumers of services than customers ofmanufactured goods.d. firms selling services are more likely to have constant marginal cost curves.17. Which of the following is not a prerequisite for practicing third-degree price discrimination?a. Some degree of monopoly powerb. Ability to separate customers into two or more identifiable groupsc. Some mechanism to prevent resale of the product among groupsd. A perfectly competitive market for inputs18. Consider two markets segments, X and Y, for product A. The price elasticity of demand forproduct A in market X is 1.5, while the same in market Y is 3. The monopolist is selling product Ain both the markets at a price of $300. Which of the following statements is true about themarginal revenue earned by the non-price discriminating monopolist from the two markets?a. The monopolist earns $77.78 more from market Y.b. The monopolist earns $99.9 more from market X.c. The monopolist earns $88.89 more from market Y.d. The monopolist earns $11.11 more from market X. 19. Which of the following consumer segments are benefited by third-degree pricediscrimination (relative to no price discrimination)?a. Consumers with high incomeb. Consumers with perfectly inelastic demandc. Consumers with highly elastic demandd. Consumers with more than one source of income20. Which of the following is an advantage of peak-load pricing?a. It allows a firm to reduce its total cost by reallocating its production.b. It allows a firm to capture the entire consumer surplus.c. It allows a firm to clearly identify each consumer’s willingness to pay.d. It reduces monopoly profits and increases consumer surplus.21. The following figure shows the indifference curves U1 and U2 of a consumer choosingbetween hours devoted at a tennis club and other goods. All consumers in this market haveidentical demand curves. IZ is the original budget line of a representative consumer, whichshifts to AB when the club begins to charge an entry fee.Figure 12-3 In Figure 12-3, if the fee goes above _____, the consumer will purchase no court hours.a. OZb. IAc. EFd. OE 22. A monopolist has segmented its customers into three groups, A, B, and C, and isdiscriminating prices between them. Each type A customer has a price elasticity of demandequal to 1.2; each type B customer has a price elasticity of demand equal to 6; and each type Ccustomer has a price elasticity of demand equal to 11. If the firm charges type C customers $11per unit, what prices should it charge its type A and type B customers in order to maximizeprofit?a. Type A = $1.20 per unit and type B = $6.00 per unitb. Type A = $1.33 per unit and type B = $1.66 per unitc. Type A = $12.00 per unit and type B = $6.00 per unitd. Type A = $60.00 per unit and type B = $12.00 per unit23. Let the demand curve be = 100 ? . Assume that marginal cost is = . Determineconsumer surplus, producer surplus, and dead-weight loss for the following industry structures:(i) perfect competition;(ii) monopolist that charges all customers the same price;(iii) monopolist that engages in perfect (i.e., first-degree) price discrimination. Use the following information for problems 24-26:Consider a market with two individuals, A and B, whose demand curves are, respectively, =100 ? , = 170 ? 2. Assume that income elasticity of demand is zero. This market isserved by a monopoly with total cost function = 30.24. If the monopoly cannot price discriminate, what would be its price, quantity, and profit? 25. If the monopoly can set different prices for each individual but has to charge the same pricefor different quantities and units purchased by the same individual (i.e., the monopoly cannotengage in either first or second degree price discrimination), what would be the prices for eachindividual, quantities they purchase, and the monopoly’s profit?26. Suppose now the monopoly could use a two-part tariff with a uniform entry fee and auniform price for both individuals after they have paid the fee.(i) If the monopoly keeps its price at the level you found in problem 24 above, what entry feewould maximize its profit and what this profit would be?(ii) Suppose now the monopoly lowers its price (relative to that in problem 24) by $1. Whatentry fee would maximize its profit and what would be that profit?Use the following information for problems 27-28.Consider a monopolist serving two markets, 1 and 2, with inverse demand given by 1 = 180 ?1 and by 2 = 120 ? 2 . This market is served by a monopoly with total cost function =2000 + 2 = 2000 + (1 + 2 )2 . 27. If the monopoly has to charge the same price in both markets, what would be its price,quantity sold, and profit?28. If the monopoly can engage in third-degree price discrimination, determine price, quantity,and profit in this market.Use the following information for problems 29-31.Consider a market with day-time inverse demand given by = 180 ? and night –timedemand given by = 120 ? . This market is served by a monopoly with total cost function = 2000 + 2. That is, when the monopoly produces during the day its cost is =2000 + ( )2 and when it produces during the night, its cost is = 2000 + ( )2 . 29. If the monopoly is not regulated and can engage in third-degree price discrimination,determine price, quantity, and profit in this market. 30. Suppose regulators set a single price = 100 and require the firm to satisfy all demand,what would be the firm’s profit? 31. Determine the efficient peak-load pricing and the dead-weight loss that would take place inproblem 29 and problem 30.

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