In a hypothesis test, if the computed P­value is less

In a hypothesis test, if the computed P­value is less than 0.001, there is very strong evidence to a) fail to reject the null hypothesis.b) reject the null hypothesis.c) retest with a different sample. Review Later Question 2In a experiment on relaxation techniques, subject’s brain signals were measured before and after the relaxation exercises with the following results:Person 1 2 3 4 5 Before 31 37 66 52 28 26 34 58 51 26After Assuming the population is normally distributed, is there sufficientevidence to suggest that the relaxation exercise slowed the brain waves? (Use ?=0.05)a) Fail to reject the null hypothesis which states there is no change in brain waves.b) Reject the null hypothesis which states there is no change in brain waves in favor of the alternate which states the brain waves slowed after relaxation.c) There is not enough information to make a conclusion.Review Later Question 3An experimenter flips a coin 100 times and gets 41 heads. Test the claim that the coin is fair against the two­sided claim that it is not fair at the level ?=.01. a) Ho: p = .5, Ha: p ? .5; z = ­1.83; Fail to reject Ho at the 1% significance level.b) Ho: p = .5, Ha: p ? .5; z = ­1.80; Reject Ho at the 1% significance level.c) Ho: p = .5, Ha: p ? .5; z = ­1.80; Fail to reject Ho at the 1% significance level.d) Ho: p = .5, Ha: p < .5; z = ­1.80; Reject Ho at the 1% significance level.e) Ho: p = .5, Ha: p < .5; z = ­1.83; Fail to reject Ho at the 1% significance level.Review Later Question 4Identify the most appropriate test to use for the following situation:Quart cartons of milk should contain at least 32 ounces. A sample of 22 cartons was taken and amount of milk in ounces was recorded. We would like to determine if there is sufficient evidence exist to conclude the mean amount of milk in cartons is less than 32 ounces? a) Two sample t testb) One sample t testc) Matched pairsd) Two sample z test Review Later Question 5To use the two sample t procedure to perform a significance test onthe difference of two means, we assume: a) The populations’ standard deviation are known.b) The samples from each population are independent.c) The distributions are exactly normal in each population.d) The sample sizes are large. Review Later Question 6Solid fats are more likely to raise blood cholesterol levels than liquid fats. Suppose a nutritionist analyzed the percentage of saturated fat for a sample of 6 brands of stick margarine (solid fat) and for a sample of 6 brands of liquid margarine and obtained the following results:We want to determine if there a significant difference in the average amount of saturated fat in solid and liquid fats. What is thetest statistic? (assume the population data is normally distributed)a) t = 25.263b) z = 39.604c) t = 39.604d) t = 39.104e) z = 39.104 Review Later Question 7It has been observed that some persons who suffer renal failure, again suffer renal failure within one year of the first episode. This is due, in part, to damage from the first episode. The performance of a new drug designed to prevent a second episode is to be tested for its effectiveness in preventing a second episode. In order to do this two groups of people suffering a first episode are selected. There are 75 people in the first group and this group will be administered the new drug. There are 45 people in the second group and this group will be administered a placebo. After one year, 11% of the first group has a second episode and 9% of the second group has a second episode. Conduct a hypothesis test to determine, at the significance level 0.05, whether there is reason to believe that the true percentage of those in the first group who suffer a second episode is less than the true percentage of those in the second group who suffer a second episode? Select the [Alternative Hypothesis, Value of the Test Statistic].a) [p1 < p2 , 0.3497]b) [p1 ? p2 , 0.3497] c) [p1 > p2 , 0.3497]d) [p1 = p2 , 0.3497]e) [p1 ? p2 , 0.4497]f) None of the aboveReview Later Question 8It has been observed that some persons who suffer acute heartburn,again suffer acute heartburn within one year of the first episode. This is due, in part, to damage from the first episode. The performance of a new drug designed to prevent a second episode isto be tested for its effectiveness in preventing a second episode. In order to do this two groups of people suffering a first episode are selected. There are 75 people in the first group and this group will be administered the new drug. There are 75 people in the second group and this group will be administered a placebo. After one year, 10% of the first group has a second episode and 9% of the second group has a second episode. Conduct a hypothesis test to determine, at the significance level 0.1, whether there is reason to believe that the true percentage of those in the first group who suffer a second episode is different from the true percentage of those in the second group who suffer a second episode? Select the [Rejection Region, Decision to Reject (RH0) or Failure to Reject (FRH0)]. a) [z < ­1.65 and z > 1.65, FRH0]b) [z < ­1.65 or z > 1.65, FRH0]c) [z > 1.65, FRH0]d) [z < ­1.65, RH0]e) [z > ­1.65 and z < 1.65, RH0]f) None of the above Review Later Question 9A private and a public university are located in the same city. For the private university, 1046 alumni were surveyed and 643 said that they attended at least one class reunion. For the public university, 804 out of 1315 sampled alumni claimed they have attended at least one class reunion. Is the difference in the sample proportions statistically significant? (Use ?=0.05)a) There is not enough information to make a conclusion.b) Reject the null hypothesis which states there is no difference in the proportion of alumni that attended at least one class reunion in favor of the alternate which states there is a difference in the proportions.c) Fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is not enough evidence to conclude that there is a difference in the proportions. Review Later Question 10Mars Inc. claims that they produce M&Ms with the following distributions: 30% 20% Yellow 20% Red Orange 10% Green 10% 10% Blue Brown A bag of M&Ms was randomly selected from the grocery store shelf, and the color counts were: 25 22 Yellow 21 Red Orange 13 Green 16 15 Blue Brown Using the ?2 goodness of fit test to determine if the proportion of M&Ms is what is claimed, what is the test statistic? a) ?2 = 3.132b) ?2 = 5.932c) ?2 = 3.732d) ?2 = 1.960e) ?2 = 11.863f) None of the aboveReview Later Question 11Mars Inc. claims that they produce M&Ms with the following distributions: 30% 20% Yellow 20% Red Orange 10% Green 10% 10% Blue Brown A bag of M&Ms was randomly selected from the grocery store shelf, and the color counts were: 26 23 Yellow 22 Red Orange 14 Green 16 13 Blue Brown Using the ?2 goodness of fit test (? = 0.10) to determine if the proportion of M&Ms is what is claimed. Select the [p­value, Decision to Reject (RH0) or Failure to Reject (FRH0)]. a) [p­value = 0.458, FRH0]b) [p­value = 0.542, RH0]c) [p­value = 0.458, RH0]d) [p­value = 0.542, FRH0] e) [p­value = 0.229, RH0]f) None of the above

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