Chapter 14 : The Family MCQs

1 . A young mother, Ariana responds to her preschoolers’ behavior with yells and threats. Her neighbor makes a point to model clear directions and positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior whenever she is around the young mother. Ariana soon begins to use the same parenting behaviors. Which type of social support did the neighbor provide for Ariana? [Hint] child-rearing control and role model direct assistance with child-rearing parental interpersonal acceptance parental access to valuable information2 . Abusive parents react to stressful situations with [Hint] high emotional arousal. low or no emotional arousal. frequent pleasure and affection toward their children one moment, and extreme displeasure the next. non-biased perspectives about their child.3 . An important developmental task of adolescence that is closely related to the quest for identity is [Hint] autonomy. coregulation. relying more on oneself and less on parents for support and guidance. making decisions independently by carefully weighing one’s own judgment and the suggestions of others to arrive at a well-reasoned course of action.4 . Baumrind found that a(n) ____ style that incorporates acceptance of the child, involvement in the child’s life, control that promotes mature behavior and autonomy granting results in more competent and effective parenting. [Hint] authoritarian uninvolved authoritative permissive5 . Children are at risk for ineffective parenting when [Hint] mothers work part-time. fathers must take on greater child-care responsibility due to maternal employment. mothers work full-time. employment places heavy demands on the mother’s schedule.6 . Mr. Chavez is an orthopedic surgeon. Mr. Baca is a works in a fast-food restaurant. Which father is more likely to focus on the role of provider? [Hint] Mr. Chavez Mr. Baca neither father both fathers7 . Neglect is the extreme form of ____ child rearing. [Hint] authoritative permissive authoritarian uninvolved8 . One factor that can help reduce child maltreatment is [Hint] weekly phone calls to monitor abusive parents. to eliminate trusting relationships between abusive mothers and those who are aware of their abusive behaviors. to reduce widespread violence in our society. to increase the use of corporal punishment among parents.9 . Parents who use an authoritarian child rearing style are [Hint] low in acceptance and involvement. warm, accepting, but often overindulgent or inattentive. high in acceptance and involvement. low in acceptance and involvement with little control and general indifference to autonomy issues.10 . Sibling rivalry is particularly strong during middle childhood when siblings are close in age, the same sex, and when fathers prefer one child over another. One possible explanation for this is that [Hint] a father’s favoritism is more noticeable because fathers spend less time with children. fathers take an increasingly active role in parenting during middle childhood. boys depend on their fathers as role models more during adolescence, so the impact of a critical father is felt more deeply. girls become alienated from their mothers during puberty, so the father–daughter relationship is particularly important.11 . The parents of four-year-old Cade have just divorced. Cade may [Hint] show little separation anxiety. engage in disruptive, antisocial acts. blame himself for the divorce. all of the above.12 . The purpose of divorce mediation is to [Hint] increase cooperation between parents in child rearing. increase child-support efforts of the non-custodial parent. increase the self-esteem of children of divorce. avoid legal battles that intensify family conflict.13 . When studying blended families, research shows [Hint] more negative outcomes for father—stepmother families. that children living with fathers who remarry have fewer problems. that remarriage of noncustodial fathers often leads to increased contact, as fathers make an effort to stay connected with their children. boys, especially have a hard time getting along with their stepmothers.14 . Which emotional characteristics are common for children raised by authoritative parents? [Hint] anxious, unhappy, and hostile when frustrated poor emotional self-regulation, low academic self-esteem and school performance difficulty with impulse-control, disobedient, and rebellious advanced emotional self-regulation and emotional and social understanding15 . Which function of the family is responsible for training the young to become competent, participating members of society? [Hint] reproduction socialization emotional support social order16 . Which of the following characteristics would you look for in a high-quality childcare program? [Hint] teacher qualifications number of teachers in the program qualifications of the child care administrators accreditation by the NAACP17 . Which of the following is true of smaller families? [Hint] Parents in smaller families are less patient. Parents in smaller families are more punitive. Smaller families tend to be less well off economically. Children from smaller families have higher intelligence test scores.18 . Which of the following is typically listed by only children as an advantage to living in a one-child family? [Hint] avoiding sibling rivalry the fact that, because their parents have more time to pursue their own interests and careers, they are not overly-focused on their one child the ability to succeed due to increased parental support having additional financial resources to care for aging parents19 . Which of the following statements is true? [Hint] Firm insistence on respect for parental authority, particularly that of the father, is common in Asian Pacific Island families, but not in Hispanic families. At one time viewed as coercive, contemporary Hispanic fathers are more nurturant than the strict authority figure of the past. Hispanic fathers are less likely than Caucasian parents to spend time with and monitor their school-age and adolescent youngsters. Child-rearing in Hispanic families tends to promote strong feelings of independence.20 . Which type of child maltreatment involves the use of actions like ridicule and humiliation that damages children’s cognitive, emotional, or social functioning? [Hint] psychological abuse physical neglect physical abuse emotional neglect

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