basic emergency operations plan and active response and recovery plans

OverviewThe final course paper will involve an analysis of emergency management practices in the United States.The paper will address the planning, mitigation, response and recovery phases for an incident affecting acommunity.In this paper you will develop a basic emergency operations plan and active response and recovery plansfor a scenario. The project involves two scenarios: hurricane and tornado. Students will only need toselect one scenario.Note: Students may work in groups of three for the project.Project Resources: 1. Scenario 2. Personnel for the Town of Smith 3. Personnel for Montgomery County 4. Map of the Town of Smith 5. Mutual Aid Agreement The final course project is composed of one element:Written Paper (Emergency Management Plan) Project TimelineThe project is comprised of the following parts and will be due in Unit 5.Course Project Part Milestones Required Elements Part A Unit 1 Scenario Selection/ Cover Page Part B Unit 2 Basic Emergency Plan Part C Unit 3 Active Response Plan/ Map Part D Unit 4 Recovery Efforts Part E Unit 5 Final Project Submission RequirementsThe written paper should contain the following requirements:1. 2.3. Your paper will have a minimum of 1250 words and must be a minimum of five (5) pages,maximum of ten (10) pages in length addressing the emergency management plan requirements.A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required….e APA style to format the written project; this includes the cover page, citations within thedocument, and a reference page. Please note: An abstract is not required for this project. The written project must contain the following elements:1. Cover Page – The cover page should include a title (based on the scenario selection) andadhere to APA style. 2. Basic Emergency Plan – This section of the course paper involves drafting a basic emergencyplan for the town of Smith. This plan should address response to a weather event (choose either ahurricane or tornado, based on the scenario that you select for the project). This section should beapproximately one to two (1-2) pages in length.I. Address the following items in your Basic Emergency Plan (Each category should bewritten in paragraph format with headings):A. What is the mission of the EOP? B. What are the goals or objectives for this weather related EOP? C. Identify key members of a Planning Team (remember to review the Personneldocument for the project to select key individuals). D. Who will be assigned to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) as leadershipfor emergency response (remember to review the Personnel document for the projectto select individuals)? E. Identify evacuation routes for the town. F. Identify hazards in the town. G. Identify a mitigation plan to reduce or eliminate hazards. H. Explain the response plan (strategies you would use for search and rescue). I. Explain the goals you will have for the town’s recovery efforts. J. Identify equipment needs. 3. Mutual Aid Agreement – This section of the course paper involves creating a Mutual AidAgreement (MAA) for the town of Smith. The town’s nearest locality is Montgomery County (northof town). Draft a Mutual Aid Agreement so that the Smith and Montgomery County resources canbe shared in the event of an incident which overwhelms resources in the communities. Pleasereview the Mutual Aid Agreement Resource. This section should be approximately one half to one(1/2-1) page in length. 4. Active Response Plan – This section of the course paper involves creating the framework for an“active response” plan to the selected scenario. This section of the paper should be approximatelyone to two (1-2) pages in length.I. Address the following items in your Active Response Plan (Each category should bewritten in paragraph format with headings):A. B. Shelters: Identify the two sites that will serve as primary shelters after theincident. Select a third site to serve as a backup shelter. Explain why you selectedthe sites which will be utilized as primary shelters. C. Response Goals: What are the objectives for response efforts? Identify at leastfive goals. D. Risks: Identify three potential risks for emergency response personnel. Explainwhy they are risks. E. Roles: Review the personnel document and assign individuals to response roles.Explain how you will utilize resources from private industry and the mutual aidagreement resources. F. II. EOC: Identify who will be assigned to the Emergency Operations Center. Explainyour selection. Communication Strategies: Identify the primary communication methods that youwill utilize. Provide a backup for communication systems if the main system fails. Active Response Plan Map: Identify the locations you will utilize for medical triage,Incident Command, EOC, and Shelters. This information can be written directly on the mapprovided. Once the sites have been marked, please scan the map in PDF format to submitalong with your final paper. 5. Recovery Efforts – This section of the course paper involves the identification of federalresources required for the town’s recovery. Explain whether or not the Mayor will make adeclaration of “Local Emergency/Disaster.” This section should be approximately one half to one(1/2-1) page in length. 6. Cite your sources and format your paper using APA format and style. Include a reference page.

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