A weakness of the UCR is that it
1. A weakness of the UCR is that it:A. Only reports the most serious offenses are often reported;B. Arrest activity may be attributable to fluctuations in police activity;C. Federal crimes are not reported;D. All of the above.2. The latest decision on the death sentence for minors, by the U.S. Supreme Court, ruled that:A. Juveniles cannot be executed for a crime committed before they were 18 years old;B. Juveniles cannot be executed for a crime committed before they were 16 years old;C. Juveniles can be executed as long as they are over 18 years old at time of execution;D. Juveniles can be executed as long as they are over 16 year old at time of execution.3. Findings from a study involving the DBMI suggests that recidivism rates:A. Were considerably lower for youth on straight probation;B. Were considerably lower for youth in reform schools;C. Were considerably lower for youth in community based programs;D. Were about the same as for youth on straight probation and for incarcerated youth.4. The juvenile court process can entail the following procedures:A. Arrest, arraignment, trial, sentencing;B. Intake, detention hearing, adjudication, disposition;C. Counsel and release;D. None of the above.5. The annual rate of transfer of juveniles out of the juvenile courts and into the adult courts is:A. Less than 10% but more than 8%;B. Less than 8% but more than 5%;C. Less than 5% but more than 2%;D. Less than 1%.6. Intake officers deciding how a minor will be processed (adult, juvenile, petition, etc.) often use:A. Set constitutional standards and guidelines;B. Rules and regulations established by their probations department;C. Their own powers of observation, feelings and past experiences;D. The flip of a coin.7. The standard of proof in juvenile cases where the juvenile is in danger of losing liberty, is:A. A preponderance of the evidence;B. Beyond a reasonable doubt;C. Clear and convincing evidence;D. Majority of weight.8. Most juvenile delinquency in the community occurs:A. Saturday evenings because parents go out and leave juveniles unattended;B. During afternoon hours because there is no adult supervision after school;C. Friday evenings because parents are tired from work all week and are sleeping;D. About even at all times of the day and days of the week. 9. Juveniles have the following federally guaranteed rights, except:A. A speedy trial;B. An attorney;C. Cross-examine witnesses;D. Informed of charges.10. The most dangerous types of gangs are:A. Territorial gangs;B. Racist gangs;C. Corporate gangs;D. Scavenger gangs.11. Which of the following is NOT a juvenile delinquent treatment program:A. Youth Court;B. ADR;C. Day Reporting Centers;D. None of the above.12. About half of juvenile violence is:A. Committed by female juveniles;B. Committed by juveniles who are on probation in a prior case;C. Gang related;D. Due to career escalation;13. Juvenile property offenders account for nearly what percentage of all juvenile court petitions?A. Two-Thirds;B. One–half;C. One-third;D. One-fourth.14. Youth/Teen courts:A. Have been extensively studied throughout all jurisidictions;B. Have not been studied consistently throughout all jurisdictions;C. Have not been able to show any reduction in recidivism rates;D. Have only shown minimal reduction in recidivism rates.15. In the case of In re Gault (1967), the Supreme Court granted what right(s) to juveniles?A. The right to Counsel and the right to invoke the privilege against self-incrimination;B. The right to a notice of charges;C. The right to confront and cross-examine witnesses;D. All of the above.16. When non-serious offenders are transferred to adult criminal courts, what percentage will merelyreturned to their neighborhood because the criminal court judge will not incarcerate juveniles?A. About 90%;B. About 70%;C. About 50%;D. Less than 40%; 17. Violent Juvenile Offender Programs have shown some success with program dimensions including:A. Short term shock incarceration, boot camps/military schools, and strict probation terms;B. Social networking, social learning and goal-oriented behaviors;C. Long term secure confinement then formal probation;D. Waiver to adult courts and incarceration in adult prisons.18. Radical nonintervention assumes:A. The delinquent is not basically different from the nondelinquent;B. Most types of youthful misconduct are found within all socioeconomic strata;C. The primary target for delinquency policy should be the delinquent-defining processes;D. All of the above.19. Juvenile Probation Camps proved to be more effective for what groups of juveniles:A. Older juveniles;B. Younger juveniles;C. Violent offenders;D. None. The program was shown to not be effective.20. A general purpose of juvenile parole is:A. To reward youths for good behavior during their detention;B. To deter youths from future offending;C. To alleviate overcrowding;D. All of the above.21. A “status Offense” is any act committed by a juvenile that would:A. Bring a juvenile to the attention of the juvenile courts;B. Not be a crime if committed by adults;C. Both A and B;D. None of the above.22. When juveniles are held in adult jails or lockups:A. Juveniles are subject to sexual assault from older inmates;B. Youths are often traumatized by the jailing experience;C. Juveniles are more prone to suicide;D. All of the above.23. The SOT Program, when compared to normal nonoffense-specific programs:A. Proved to be substantially better at reducing recidivism;B. Proved to be substantially worse at reducing recidivism;C. Has not been compared to any other programs;D. Proved to be no better.24. The term police “discretionary powers” is:A. A wide range of behavioral choices including verbal warnings to deadly force;B. A limited range of actions such as who to stop and question;C. A term used by prosecutors in defense of police actions;D. A practice which the courts disapprove of due to lack of specific limits. 25. Waiver of a juvenile from the Juvenile Court to the Adult Criminal Court can be accomplished by:A. A Judicial Waiver;B. A Discretionary Waiver;C. A Mandatory Waiver;D. All of the above.