BSCOM 390-How do the two countries differ in their cultural patterns

PLEASE NO PLAGIARIZED ANSWER, read carefully the attachment and follow exactly the instructions.Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that demonstrates an example of poor intercultural communication that significantly affected international commerce or foreign policy.Illustrate the lack of intercultural communication by clearly defining cultural patterns (theories, identity, and bias, for example) and communication devices (such as communication foundations and taxonomies) between two cultures. Select one or two intercultural communication theories needed to address and possibly resolve the example you have given.Include answers to the following questions in your paper:How do the two countries differ in their cultural patterns? How does communication play a role in each culture?What communication devices were used by both parties in this example?How did these devices work or not work in this particular intercultural communication example?What key intercultural communication theorist would you enlist to help solve this intercultural communication problem? Summarize the position of your selected theorist and explain how their ideas might apply to the situation.What approaches or theories may work to resolve your poor intercultural communication example?Utilize at least two external peer-reviewed sourcesThis assignment can be frustrating if you wait to the last minute and studentsgenerally say it’s the toughest assignment of the course (so I’ve assigned themost points to it). It takes some time to research topics. Please read over therequirements and begin your searches as soon as you have a chance. Thereare many phrases you can Google to zero in on a topic, then research thattopic in the Library for peer-reviewed resources. Try “interculturalmiscommunication”, “international faux pas“, “intercultural misunderstanding”,etc., to give you some ideas. In the past, students have used subjects like theToyota gas sticking pedal issue (i.e. Japan’s hesitance to immediatelyacknowledge, etc., as a cultural issue), the Ehime Maru incident in Hawaii, arejust a couple of examples.Remember that it is not a paper simply about differences between 2cultures. I can’t emphasize that enough. Attached is the grading rubric for thispaper for you to follow. You might use the requirements as headings andsubheadings (appropriately phrased/reworded) to keep you on track.Let me know if you have questions.

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