CBR600_Project 6 – MUSIC PLAYING

CBR600_Project 6_ Start Here Video Transcript[MUSIC PLAYING]Early one morning at work, CEO Alice Johnson asks if you have a moment to chat. I need yourexpertise and advice on a complicated situation for the company regarding an internationalhacking lawsuit. In her office, Alice explains that CyberTech is serving as the cyber forensicsconsultant for a law firm handling the suit from a 2015 hack of the Office of PersonnelManagement, OPM.The OPM hack compromised background information on millions of workers. In a related caseAnomalous, a non-US gray hat hacking group suspected in the OPM breach case, is claimingthat US-based Equation Set attempted to hack its facilities. So we have a non-US and a US set oftest hacker groups involved. With Anomalous, the non-US group, being a client defendant in onecase against Equation Set, the US group, and as a suspect in the OPM breach.But Alice then outlines why the case is problematic. Along with the OPM victims, CyberTechrepresents clients from some of the OPM breach suspect companies in unrelated cases, whichcould appear to be a conflict of interest. This could affect the way our company is perceived byothers. We need to maintain our image as an unbiased cyber security consultant.Should CyberTech remain on both the OPM breach investigation and the overseas case at thesame time? Or should we drop one of the cases? Apply your critical thinking and analytical skillsto figure out what happened what we know and don’t know, and how the company might remedythis situation. I’d like a paper by the end of the week with your recommendations.[MUSIC PLAYING]

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