Innate immunity – Adaptive immunity

Matching (For questions #2 through# 6 answer with one of the below terms):a) Innate immunity b) Adaptive immunity2. (7-10) day response3. Memory long-term4. No Memory5. Usually happens after getting sick6. Immediate response______________________________________________________________________________________________7. Which below is considered an autoimmune disease?a) Multiple Sclerosisb) Lupusc) Hashimoto’s Diseased) Lymphoide) a, b and c8. Which below is considered a foreign invader of the body?a) Parasitic wormsb) Protozoac) Bacteriad) a and c onlye) all listed9. Type of good bacteria sometimes added to foods for digestive benefits?a) Lymphb) Thymusc) Lactobacillusd) Mucosal10. Type of disease that affects the most individuals globally?a) Diarrheasb) Tuberculosisc) Respiratory Infectionsd) Hepatitis e) Cow bell_______________________________________________________________________________________________Matching (For questions #11 through# 15 answer with one of the below terms):Tobacco smokeb) Pneumothoraxc) Medullad) Apneae) Pneumonia11. Pacemaker for lungs12. Breathing stops briefly13. Pathogen in the respiratory system14. Causes lung cancer15. Collapsed lung16. Influenza usually originates from Asian countries.Trueb) False17. Fraction of people in the US who are overweight?a) 1/4b) 1/2c) 1/3d) 2/3e) everyone18. The inner most part of your tooth is called the ___________.a) Enamelb) Pulpc) Dentine19. What is the acid I your stomach that aids in digestion?a) Hydrochloricb) Sulfuric c) Bicarbonate20. Where does most of your absorption occur in your digestive system?a) Stomachb) Large Intestinesc) Liverd) Small Intestinese) Gall bladder

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