Dupage BIOLOGY 1100 -Imagine you’ve just taken a healthy bite

Imagine you’ve just taken a healthy bite of a nice, juicy burger. What happens to the parts of that burger as it travels through your body, from one end to the other?In the world of biochemistry, that means we’ve got protein (meat), carbohydrates (bread, lettuce, pickles), and lipids (mayo).discuss what happens to these various components (beginning with the intact bite of burger) as they travel through the mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum and small intestines, and the colon. Don’t forget what happens at the very end ;^) Along the way, some adjunct structures come into play as well. Don’t forget about the salivary glands, the liver, the gall bladder and the pancreas. Also, you need to include specific information about digestive enzymes, including names and sources, and the target molecules they act upon.

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