Critical Analysis Essay ( Applied Science : Nutrition)

ASSIGNMENT # 2 – CRITICAL ANALYSIS –Three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles. 4-page minimum. Do not cite any websites or magazines; use of non-approved sources will result in a zero. Turn in a copy to the Canvas drop box. Late papers lose 25% prior to grading. No email submission accepted. Goal: To evaluate the three research articles from an unbiased and unprejudiced perspective.Research Phase….ing the SJSU library databases, locate three peer-reviewed journal articles that relate to your topic. Read each article carefully and critically, using techniques discussed in class.Submission Criteria:Describe the issue and its importance to your professional field in the introduction.Identify common themes from all three sources. Share the results of your analysis in narrative paragraphs.What content and conclusions (from the sources) can be used for your research paper?Critical analysis section:In your professional opinion, what was profound or new in each of the articles?What were the strengths in content? (validation of your topic).What words from the articles can you use as the basis of section headings? Describe in narrative fashion, not as a list.

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