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Wk 6 Part B 20th Century
What were some of the key challenges that physicists faced during the Depression? Reference: Cassidy, D. C. (2011). A short history of physics in the american century. Harvard University Press. Ch 3
These may not be older than six months and must be from legitimate news sources (Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, nor is In the article, the author must be either discussing a historical topic, and/or using it to support an opinion about some current event. Either way, the historical topic must be one…
Wk 6 Are you Kuhn or not?
Thomas Nickles suggests that there are three types of people: "pro-Kuhn, anti-Kuhn, or neutral." If you are pro-Kuhn you would, for example, agree with his terms like normal science, revolutions, and paradigm shifts, and support that science is not a "long, progressive ascent toward truth." If you are anti-Kuhn, then you would agree with critics…
How has the automobile impacted American society?
In the 1950s the United States enjoyed a broad-based, unprecedented level of prosperity. Rising purchasing power, expanding credit, and a rapidly growing advertising industry stimulated consumerism. One industry that rapidly developed and expanded was the automobile industry. During the 1950s, Americans purchased 58 million cars. By 1960, 75 percent of American families owned one. The…
Unit 3 DB: The Influence of Patronage
Discussion Board Statement: These discussions are meant for you to jot down your thoughts and analyses of the works of the week. In art, everything is evaluated by your perspective. There is no right or wrong answer to be graded against; instead, you will be graded on how you defend your analysis of the art…
Unit 4 DB: From Rococo to Realism: What’s in a Stylistic Classification?
Discussion Board Statement: These discussions are meant for you to jot down your thoughts and analyses of the works of the week. In art, everything is evaluated by your perspective. There is no right or wrong answer to be graded against; instead, you will be graded on how you defend your analysis of the art…