English Homework


In this lesson, you will finish planning your classical argument work by developing an outline. 

  • You already have your claim statement and reasons it is true. 
  • Now you will complete your research so that you understand and can rebut the most likely counterargument. 
  • Then, you will create an outline. 
  • Make sure you have completed Lessons 1-3 before beginning your outline.


  • "Evaluating Websites" (6 min.) If your instructor has given you permission to find some sources online, this video will help you choose wisely.



  • Before you begin your outline, return to the Lesson 2 Forum and read your classmates' replies. Check for feedback from your instructor as well.
  • Remember that you need four academic sources using the OCCC library. 
    • You may use .gov or .edu sites, etc.  IF your professor says you may do so. 
    • You need three sources that provide support for your position and at least one that explains or presents a counterargument.
    • Ask a Librarian if you need help finding sources. 
    • Using the Notetaking Form will help you understand and take notes on your sources.
  • Lesson 4 Individual Assignment: Planning the Outline for the Classical Argument work.
  • Read the instructions above write on use the instruction upload together with this instruction and answer  the questions below 

Planning the Outline for the Classical Argument work.

  1. Complete your research for the Classical Argument.
  2. Use the document: Outline for Classical Argument (in the Lesson 4 Instructions tab) to create an outline for your Classical Argument. The outline must be complete. Partial outlines will only receive partial credit. 
  3. Upload your outline here.

OCCC Writing Program 1

Outline for Classical Argument Essay The Classical Argument essay will have the following general outline:

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I. Introduction II. Narration III. Confirmation (three paragraphs in this section) IV. Refutation V. Conclusion

See pages 406-410 in The Writer’s Mindset Creating Your Outline

• Do not skip sections or re-order sections. • The items listed under the headings are suggestions for what to include in the paragraph.

Your paragraphs might differ a little bit from these suggestions but the structure should stay similar.

• You can type into this document or copy/paste the outline into a fresh document.

I. Introduction a. Hook “The most common causes of death in Western countries are non-

communicable diseases (NCDs), which can be mainly attributed to daily lifestyle behaviors. Up to 71% of the world's deaths per year (41 million) are caused by NCDs” (Tanous).

b. Purpose for writing the paper – why this issue is important – Many schools in the US have been cutting funding from physical education. Physical education is important for children. It helps them stay physically active and teaches them important life skills.

c. Create interest by providing information your audience may want to know right away. – Children today face major health issues. One of the biggest being obesity, which health experts have established as a crisis (Tanous). If these trends continue it could spell trouble for future generations.

d. Claim Statement (use the one you wrote in lesson 2) – Physical education should be required in public schools because it can prevent diseases, decrease hazing and improve academic success.

II. Narration a. Topic sentence – According to Allison McFarland and Rhonda McDaniel, physical

education can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. b. Sentence setting context: to whom it is happening/affects – Schools have taken

physical education serious until this century. c. Sentence setting context: where it is happening – In 2001, the US Congress

passed the No Child Left Behind Act, which held schools responsible for students’ academic achievements and penalized schools that didn’t show improvement. Because of this “Many schools have decreased the time devoted to PE in an attempt to meet the increasingly high academic standards” (Halas).

OCCC Writing Program 2

d. Sentence setting context: why it is happening – The No Child Left Behind Act also causes schools to focus more on “preparing students for standardized testing causing PE’s funding to be cut” (McCoy).

e. (more if necessary, such as history) – What is physical education? According to Merriam-Webster physical education or PE as it is more commonly called, is a class where students learn about teamwork and how to take care of their physical health. It is also where students get most of their physical activity. Physical activity can help prevent non-communicable diseases or NCDs. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NCDs are chronic diseases that do not come from infections such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and diabetes.

III. Confirmation a. Confirmation Paragraph I

i. Topic sentence using a transition word/phrase (Reason #1) – The first reason physical education should be required is because it can help prevent diseases now and in the future.

ii. Supporting information (do not use a quote) – Evidence observed in children and adolescents who are overweight or obese have increased danger of developing a varity of diseases over their lifetime (Tanous).

iii. Supporting information with one quote from the source you are discussing – Derek Tanous also states that obesity is caused not only by “biological and genetic aspects, it is likely related to the individual’s physical activity level”. He continues by stating, “increasing daily PA levels can result in slowing, stopping, or reversing the accumulation of excess body fat”.

iv. Sentence explaining why the quote supports your reason and/or main claim – indicates that increasing children’s physical activity can help prevent obesity and help fight it; school is the perfect place to help increase their physical activity; unlikely to participate in physical activity at home; most kids would rather play video games or watch tv.

v. Conclusion sentence – Is is clear when reading this evidence that that having a healthy lifestyle can help tremendously with living a long and healthy life.

vi. Additional information: More observational evidence from Derrick Tanous states that “patterns of behavior and lifestyles are established during childhood and adolescence, affecting health for good or based on personal choices immediately and in the future”. Tanous continues “healthy behaviors is learned during childhood, and the window for adopting new healthy behaviors diminishes as people grows older”.

b. Confirmation II i. Topic sentence using a transition word/phrase (Reason #2) ii. Supporting information (do not use a quote) iii. Supporting information with one quote from the source you are discussing iv. Sentence explaining why the quote supports your reason and/or main claim v. Conclusion sentence

c. Confirmation III i. Topic sentence using a transition word/phrase (Reason #3) ii. Supporting information (do not use a quote) iii. Supporting information with one quote from the source you are discussing iv. Sentence explaining why the quote supports your reason and/or main claim

OCCC Writing Program 3

v. Conclusion sentence IV. Refutation

a. Topic sentence with a transition word/phrase, stating who disagrees and what their counterargument is – Many think education should not focus on physical education as an elective and disagree with this claim.

b. Further explanation of their counterargument, including a quote – One opposition is that schools need to cut PE to increase in-class learning time to help students fulfill academic requirements (Wilmore). This statement is false because physical education can help improve academic scores better than homework. Physical education can also help students stay focused during class. As stated previously as a reason for physical educaion, doing this can help build self- confidence and friendships.

c. Concede a point, if that strategy is helpful to your argument – Another opposition is that kids will skip school to avoid P.E. While this might be true in some cases, this statement is flawed because physical education can be fun if done correctly. Physical education teachers use games as a way of upping students’ physical activity.

d. Sentence rebutting the counterargument (explain why the counterargument is not true, is not preferable, etc.) – The final opposition is that don’t actually exercise regularly in gym class. “kids don’t actually get much exercise in gym class” (Wilmore). This statement is false because children get most of their physical activity during PE.

e. Sentence providing evidence to support your rebuttal – The reason kids wouldn’t get much exercise is that schools have cut time from physical education.

f. Conclusion sentence – Clearly, many think PE is a waste of time, but the longterm effects noted in the research cannot be dispusted.

V. Conclusion a. Repeat thesis a little differently. b. Summary of strongest reason(s) and evidence. (Do not repeat or rephrase

exact sentences. Summarize them). – Physical education can help fight obesity and help them stay focus in class. Physical education can help students with communication, self-confidence and teamwork which can reduce hazing. It can also help prevent diseases and help student create a healthy lifestyle. Students who take physical education are more likely to succeed academically.

c. Remind readers of the risk of not accepting this argument, or ask them to do something specific in response to this argument – Physical education should not be cut from schools and should be required to help future generations to be health and successful.

  • Outline for Classical Argument Essay
    • Creating Your Outline

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