Health Promotions Presentation

due @10am 11-12-23

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Health Promotions Presentation
(80 points)

This group project where your group will be teaching the rest of the class on an assigned aged group and the health promotion associated with the group. Closely follow the rubric to ensure you discuss all key points. If someone is not contributing their weight to the project, it will need to be completed by someone else and referenced in the evaluations. Complete this project similar to a teaching project.

You can use Power Point, a tri-fold brochure type of idea, a video, movie, or other multi-media project. Have some fun with this. Don’t just put all of your information on power point slides and leave it at that. If you do a voice over, do not read word for word information on your slides. Slides should contain minimal information and the rest should come through with your voice over.

0 points

5 points

10 points

· Growth & Development of the Toddler

Does not discuss growth & Development for the assigned aged group

Briefly discusses growth & development but excludes important information

Fully discusses growth & development in detail

· Anticipatory Guidance for parents of toddlers

Does not discuss anticipatory guidance for parents of toddlers

Briefly discusses anticipatory guidance for parents but excludes important information

Fully discusses anticipatory guidance for parents of toddlers

· Screening & Health promotion for the toddlers

Does not cover screening and health promotion

Briefly discusses screening & health promotion but excludes important information

Fully discusses screening & health promotion for the toddler

· Safety while hospitalized

Does not discuss toddler safety when hospitalized

Briefly discusses safety while the toddler is hospitalized but excludes important information

Fully discusses hospitalization safety considerations for the toddler

· Disorders of the toddler

Does not discuss disorders of the toddler

Briefly discusses disorders of the toddler but excludes important key points or information

Fully discusses key points for disorders effecting the toddler

· Injury Prevention

Does not discuss injury prevention for the toddler

Briefly discusses injury prevention but excludes important information

Fully discusses disease & injury prevention for the toddler

· Use of visual Aids and references

Does not deliver message with use of visual aid materials

Either does not use assistance of visual aids or excludes references

Provides visual aids pleasing to the eye to assist with distribution of information and includes full reference information

· Provides means of evaluation of learning

Does not provide means of learning evaluation

Provides a means of student evaluation of learning

Minnesota State Community & Technical College

© PNSG 1520



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