Family Life Education Powerpoint (Cooper)


Family  Life Education focuses on healthy family functioning within a family  systems perspective and provides a primarily preventive approach.  Demonstrate your newfound understanding of family education by  creatively constructing a collage    In constructing your collage you may utilize an online tool (e.g.  animoto, voicethread etc.), Powerpoint or other creative avenue to  display your collage and answer the question What is Family Life  Education? 

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In constructing your collage, be sure to include the following:

  1. Through  the pictures selected , identify at least 5 family life education  concepts that you have come to understand and deem important.
  2. Provide  a short reflection (400-500 words) explaining your collage. Answer the  question: What Is Family Life Education? as you reflect on the key  concepts. Review your course readings, use additional research, as well  as life experiences. Please create your reflection in a word document  and do not include it with your collage. Include a title page and a  reference page as well. 

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