BUS407 Week 6 Scenario Script: Selecting the Training Method

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BUS407 Week 6 Scenario Script: Selecting the Training Method

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Scene 1

Deborah’s Office

woman standing with arms crossed at her chest

Deborah: Hello again!

Last week, all of our activities were focused on the design of our training objective.

We reviewed the
critical components of a good training objective.

Remember, a good
training objective must specify the
desired outcome, the
conditions, and the

Now, we have to decide what training method to use to guarantee that we achieve our objective.

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Scene 2

Taormina’s Conference Room

Deborah: We know we must implement this training immediately. Remember, sales are slow and we must address the call center’s communication problem. This will enhance the performance of the employees.

We also know that Taormina is not willing to spend an excess of money to fix this issue. So we have to review our options while controlling the cost and time of execution.

I suggest reviewing the
traditional training models first.

The traditional training methods are
Lecture, Lecture/Discussion, Games and Simulations, and
On-the-job training.

Now we have to decide which one is the best option for us.

Let’s see…

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This will be a tabbed interaction that describes each of the training method options for Taormina. This includes Straight Lecture, Lecture/Discussions, Games and Simulations, and On-The-Job-Training.

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Check Your Understanding

Which of the following training method could be the best option to deliver our training program?

Straight Lecture:

Incorrect! The Straight

Lecture training method is a presentation of information by the trainer. This is a good training method when the objective is to inform about a particular topic. When using this training method, only the trainer has an active role. Participants remain passive. Remember, we must address a communication issue among co-workers. Therefore, we need a training method that allows participants to take a more dynamic role during the training.

Correct! The Lecture/Discussion method uses a lecturette to provide trainees with information that is supported, reinforced, and expanded on through interactions among the participants and the trainer. This training method allows participants to practice lessons learned. The trainer can achieve complex learning objectives using sequenced lectures followed by immediate discussion and questioning sessions.

Games and Simulations:

Incorrect! These training methods add high level of interaction. However, the cost of implementation might be a limitation here.

On-the-job training:

Incorrect! On-the-job training is the preferred method for training employees for new technology and increasing skills in the use of existing technology. In our case, we are in need of developing communication skills among employees. Therefore, this is not the right answer.

Deborah’s Feedback:
Incorrect! The Straight

Lecture training method is a presentation of information by the trainer. This is a good training method when the objective is to inform about a particular topic. When using this training method, only the trainer has an active role. Participants remain passive. Remember, we must address a communication issue among co-workers. Therefore, we need a training method that allows participants to take a more dynamic role during the training.

Deborah’s Feedback:
Correct! The Lecture/Discussion method uses a lecturette to provide trainees with information that is supported, reinforced, and expanded on through interactions among the participants and the trainer. This training method allows participants to practice lessons learned. The trainer can achieve complex learning objectives using sequenced lectures followed by immediate discussion and questioning sessions.

Deborah’s Feedback:
Incorrect! These training methods add high level of interaction. However, the cost of implementation might be a limitation here.

Deborah’s Feedback:
Incorrect! On-the-job training is the preferred method for training employees for new technology and increasing skills in the use of existing technology. In our case, we are in need of developing communication skills among employees. Therefore, this is not the right answer.

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Scene 4

Deborah’s office

Deborah: Great job completing this activity.

I agree with you! Lecture/discussion is the most appropriate traditional training method to use for the call center.

Remember, using the lecture/discussion training method you can add
questioning as a powerful tool for starting discussion.

Questioning helps the trainer determine whether trainees understand the information correctly. It also helps create a common understanding.

Deborah: Now, let’s tell Ron about the training method we have chosen.

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Scene 5

Ron’s office

Ron: Hi Deborah! How are you?

Deborah: I’m great Ron, and you?

Ron: I’m fine too!

Deborah: We have some good news for you. We are planning to deliver the training program for your people using a lecture/discussion training method.

This method will keep your cost low and guarantee fast execution.

Ron: Can you explain this a little more? I’m not familiar with different types of training methods.

Deborah: Sure! The
lecture/discussion method is a traditional training method that uses a combination of lectures and interactive group discussions. The cost will be controlled, because everything will be managed in-house.

We are not going to have an external speaker, which can sometimes become pricy. My training specialist will act as the trainer for the program.

And best of all, we could conduct the training in just three weeks!

Ron: That’s sounds fantastic!

Deborah: I’m glad you think so. We’ll start developing the training right away.

Slide 7

Scene 6

Deborah’s office

Deborah: Let’s review what we have done today.

All of our activities focused on determining the best training method to deliver our training program.

We reviewed the
traditional training methods.

We determined the most appropriate training method based on the two initial variables-
cost and
time of execution.

Well done!

Please participate in discussions about the topics we covered today, as well as completing relevant e-Activities.

See you soon!


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