Which of the following shows the correct DNA

4. Which of the following shows the correct DNA base pairing?A A – C B A – TC – G C – GG – C G – TT – A T – AC A – G D A – TC – G C – GG – A G – CT – A T – A5. Hormones are composed ofA glycerol B glucose C protein D starch.6. The diagram below shows the carbon fixation stage of photosynthesis.hydrogenXATPY starchcarbon fixation Which row in the table below identifies X and Y?X YA Sugar OxygenB Water Carbon dioxideC Carbon dioxide SugarD Water Oxygen Page 057. An investigation was carried out to compare the rate of oxygen gas production bytwo different species of water plant, S and T.oxygen water species Slamp Which diagram below shows the set-up for species T, that would allow a validcomparison in the rate of oxygen production of the two species?A CB Dspecies T species Tspecies T species T8. Each skin cell in a mouse has 40 chromosomes. How many chromosomes werepresent in each cell after dividing four times during cell culture?A 10B 20C 40D 160[Turn overPage 069. Specialisation of cells in animals leads to the formation ofA tissues and organsB meristems and organsC stem cells and tissuesD stem cells and meristems.10. The table below shows the blood glucose levels of two people after eating the same meal.The normal range of blood glucose levels is 82–110 mg/dL.Time aftereating meal(min)Blood glucose levels (mg/dL)Person A Person B 30 120 14060 140 17090 110 190120 90 180150 85 170180 90 160 Using the information given, which of the following statements is correct?A Person A always stayed within the normal range.B Person B was outwith the normal range 180 minutes after eating.C Person B had a level twice as high as that of person A 180 minutes after eating.D Person A and person B both had their highest levels 90 minutes after eating.Page 0711. The diagram below shows the structure of a flower.Where are the male gametes produced?B – Anther D – Ovule C – Ovary A – Stigma12. Most features of an individual phenotype are A controlled by a single gene and show continuous variation B controlled by a single gene and show discrete variation C polygeni c and show continuous variation D polygenic and show discrete variation.13. The following diagram shows the inheritance of coat colour in guinea pigs. P Phenotype Black guinea pig X White guinea pig P Genotype: BB bb F1 Genotype: Bb F2 Genotypes: BB and Bb and bbWhich of the following generations contain heterozygous individuals?A P and F1B P and F2C F1 and F2D P, F1 and F2

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