Which of the following is NOT one of the landmark changes

QUESTION 1Which of the following is NOT one of the landmark changes in the last 50 years which have helped increase the role of the HR professional in strategic management? (Competency 1)Increased health care costsIncreased homogeneity of the workforce in terms of values and skillsIncreased fear of terrorismIncreased technology and new tools2 points QUESTION 2Which of the following factors requires more involvement by the HR professional in the strategic management process? (Competency 1)More specialized product lines.Legislative and cultural differences in international work locationsIncreased need for routine paperwork and documentationOutsourcing of recruitment and selection.2 points QUESTION 3The process that involves allocating resources, developing structures, hiring skilled employees, and developing appropriate reward systems is known as: (Competency 1)strategy formulation.strategy implementation.strategic planning.strategic management.2 points QUESTION 4HRM is primarily responsible for three of the following variables in the strategy implementation process. Identify the exception. (Competency 1)Selection, training, and development of peopleTask designReward systemsCustomer awareness2 points QUESTION 5Recruiting advertisements in newspapers and periodicals: (Competency 2)are exempt from the requirements of Title VII.are most effective in attracting applicants who are currently employed.are generally not needed.typically generate less desirable recruits than direct applications or referrals.2 points QUESTION 6The degree to which the information provided by selection methods enhances the effectiveness of selecting personnel in organizations refers to the selection method’s: (Competency 2)reliability.validity.generalizability.utility.2 points QUESTION 7Which of the following is NOT a common topic of diversity training? (Competency 2)AgePhysical disabilitiesEducational differencesSpeech patterns2 points QUESTION 8Giving teams or work groups an actual problem, having them work on solving it and commit to an action plan, and holding them accountable for carrying out the plan describes: (Competency 2)adventure learning.self-directed learning.action learning.team training.2 points QUESTION 9Job analysis information usually is obtained from: (Competency 4)co-workers and customers.job incumbents and co-workers.customers and supervisors.job incumbents and supervisors2 points QUESTION 10Within the Job Characteristics Model, the degree to which the job allows an individual to make decisions about the way the work is carried out is called: (Competency 4)task identity.task discretion.skill variety.autonomy.2 points QUESTION 11Which performance management technique involves the identification of a large number of critical incidents, the classification of these incidents into performance dimensions, and the rank ordering of these incidents into levels of performance? (Competency 4)Behaviorally anchored rating scalesGraphic rating scalesComparative rating scalesOrganizational behavior modification2 points QUESTION 12In what type of system are annual goals established and passed down through the organization? (Competency 4)Productivity measurement and evaluation systemManagement by objectivesAssessment centersOrganizational behavior modification Part II. Questions 13-50 required for all Lead Professor classes2 points QUESTION 13Which of the following is NOT an important change projected in the demographics and diversity of the workforce?Average age of the workforce will increase.Less diversity in terms of generationsMore diversity in germs of gender and raceImmigration affects the size and diversity of the workforce2 points QUESTION 14All but one of the following is true of the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ). Name the exception.It requires trained job analysts to complete it.It is a standardized, off-the-shelf instrument.It describes specific task activities that comprise the actual job.It is a well-researched and widely used instrument2 points QUESTION 15The balanced scorecard presents a view of company performance from the perspective of:its customers only.its employees only.its employees and customers only.its employees, customers, and shareholders.2 points QUESTION 16Strategic HR management includes all but one of the following. Name the exception.Financial planningTraining and developmentPerformance managementRecruiting talent2 points QUESTION 17Which one of the following statements about the HR profession is false?A college degree is required of HR specialists, but not of generalists.Generalists usually perform the full range of HRM activities, including recruiting, training, compensation, and employee relations.Professional certification in HRM is less common than membership in professional associations.The primary professional organization for HRM is the Society for Human Resource Management.2 points QUESTION 18Managing cultural diversity involves:enforcing EEO rules.creating separate career tracks for employees with families.establishing a strong affirmative action policy.creating a workplace that makes it comfortable for employees of all backgrounds to be creative and innovative.2 points QUESTION 19Which of the following is NOT true about generational value differences?There are values that converge across generations.There are values that diverge across generationsRegardless of generation, most employees value work-life balance.All members of the same generation have the same basic values.2 points QUESTION 20At which level of integration is HR’s attention and time focused solely on day-to-day activities?Administrative linkageOne-way linkageTwo-way linkageIntegrative linkage2 points QUESTION 21Which is NOT a common component of effectively managing diversity?Top management supportHolding managers accountableLack of qualified trainersEnsuring fair treatment2 points QUESTION 22The process that allows employees to improve their ability to meet the challenges of a variety of existing or new jobs is:training.development.learning.acquisition.2 points QUESTION 23Which of the following occurs when a facially neutral employment practice disproportionately excludes a protected group from employment opportunities?Disparate impactDisparate treatmentUndue hardshipReasonable accommodation2 points QUESTION 24Which of the following is not a critical issue in a sexual harassment case?Was the behavior unwelcome?Were other employees within the work unit equally offended by the behavior as the plaintiff?Was the behavior severe enough to alter the terms, conditions, and privileges of employment?Did the employer know about, or should he/she have known about, the harassment?2 points QUESTION 25Rather than simply requiring an employer to refrain from some action, _____ places a special obligation on an employer to affirmatively do something to accommodate an individual’s disability or religion.disparate treatmentdisparate impactdiscriminationreasonable accommodation2 points QUESTION 26A woman and a man are both performing the job of executive assistant and both have similar seniority and performance. However, the woman is paid $2,000 less than the man. Which act would she be most likely to sue under?Reconstruction Civil Rights ActEqual Pay ActTitle VII of Civil Rights ActVocational Rehabilitation Act2 points QUESTION 27One of the major changes in EEO law under the Civil Rights Act of 1991 is:the limitation of damage awards to lost pay and benefits.the inclusion of women as a protected group.the addition of compensatory and punitive damage awards.the inclusion of foreign companies operating in the United States.2 points QUESTION 28Which of the following is not a responsibility of the EEOC?Writing new EEO lawsInformation gatheringInvestigation and resolutionIssuance of guidelines2 points QUESTION 29An individual who feels that he/she has been discriminated against is required to file a complaint with a governmental agency within how many days of the alleged discriminatory act?60 days90 days180 days220 days2 points QUESTION 30Which of the following options for reducing an expected labor surplus is a relatively slow solution, but offers the benefit of being low in human suffering?Work sharingDemotionRetirementTransfers2 points QUESTION 31Identify the incorrect statement about temporary workers.Firms are more likely to derive performance benefits from temporary employees when the current set of workers perceive their job security is low relative to when they feel threatened.There is often tension between a firm’s temporary employees and its full-time employees.Some full-time employees perceive the temporary help as a threat to their own job security.Instead of replacing long-term employees with temporary employees, many organizations supplement their core staff with a small set of temporary workers who act more like assistants to the core staff than potential replacements.2 points QUESTION 32Identify the correct statement about furloughs.They hit lower-paid employees harder than higher-paid employees.The work of most blue-collar professionals simply piles up when they leave the office for even short periods of time.If pay differences are a result of some type of pay-for performance system, then the best employees take the biggest hit.They are a long-term elimination of paid workdays applied to salaried workers.2 points QUESTION 33Which of the following is NOT a true effect of downsizing Initial cost savings are a short term plusDownsizing makes it easier to recruit new employees laterLong term effects are often negative.The people let go are often recognized to be irreplaceable assets later.2 points QUESTION 34Correlation coefficient reflects a(n) ______ coefficient when we are attempting to relate one characteristic to performance on some task.reliabilityvalidityutilitygeneralizability2 points QUESTION 35Which of the following is true about the global economy as it affects HR? (Competency 1Off-shoring of white-collar jobs is expected to increase.Higher trade barriers and decreased employee mobility.Greater ethnocentrism because of fewer global competitors.All of the above.2 points QUESTION 36During an interview for a sales position, you are asked the following question: “Suppose one of your clients refuses to speak to you after you lost one of his orders; what would you do to regain his business?” What type of interview question is this?Job-skillJob knowledgeSituational experience-basedSituational future-oriented2 points QUESTION 37Qualities like being sociable, gregarious, assertive, talkative, and expressive are examples of this personality dimension.ExtroversionAgreeablenessConscientiousnessInquisitiveness2 points QUESTION 38_____ is the ability to keep disruptive emotions in check.Self-motivationSelf-esteemSelf-awarenessSelf-regulation2 points QUESTION 39This is the fourth step in the training process and includes self-management strategies and peer and management support.Ensuring employees’ readiness for trainingCreating a learning environmentEnsuring transfer of trainingEvaluating training programs2 points QUESTION 40Which of the following statements about cognitive ability is false?Cognitive ability includes four dimensions: verbal comprehension, quantitative ability, interpersonal relationships, and reasoning ability.Research shows that cognitive ability is related to successful performance in all jobs.The importance of cognitive ability for job success increases as the job becomes more complex.Research shows that cognitive ability influences learning.2 points QUESTION 41_____ refers to on-the-job use of knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned in training.Information absorptionTransfer of trainingCognitive adoptionRationalizing2 points QUESTION 42_____ refers to the degree to which work units are grouped based on functional similarity or similarity of work flow.DepartmentalizationCentralizationDecentralizationWork-flow analysis2 points QUESTION 43One approach to managing _____ is through affirmative action policies.conflictdiversityrepatriationturnover2 points QUESTION 44_____ training programs assess the benefits for a small group of trainees before a company commits more resources.Cost-assessmentCollaborativePilotTeam leader2 points QUESTION 45Which of the following is not a recommendation for developing an effective performance management system?Mirror the corporate culture and valuesDifferentiate performance subjectively and effectivelyAdjust the system as requiredCommunicate the total rewards system2 points QUESTION 46A measure that results in dramatically different ratings over time lacks:internal consistency reliability.interrater reliability.intrarater reliability.test-retest reliability.2 points QUESTION 47Companies that have clear goals and management criteria, train evaluators, use the rankings along with other HR metrics, and reward good performance find the following ranking technique useful.Paired comparisonHigh/low ranking systemForced distributionStrictness2 points QUESTION 48Which attribute approach to performance management is the most frequently used?Behaviorally anchored rating scalesMixed standard scalesBehavior observation scalesGraphic rating scales2 points QUESTION 49Job analysis provides all but one of the following managerial benefits. Identify the exception.It provides managers with an understanding of the work-flow process.It enables managers to make more accurate hiring decisions.It provides an avenue for communicating policy information to employees.It enables managers to more accurately evaluate subordinates’ performance2 points QUESTION 50Which of the following is true about diversity training?Only large companies are doing it today.Prior to the 1980s, there was little of none being done in Corporate America.By 2010, less than 25% of large companies were doing it.The majority of Fortune 500 companies are not doing it.

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