What term is used by sociologists to describe

What term is used by sociologists to describe socially constructed categories based on biological traits a society defines as important? (Points : 5)EthnicityRaceSocial groupReference groupErogenous groupQuestion 2.2. (TCO 8) People define themselves—or others—as members of an ethnic category based on which three characteristics? (Points : 5)Food, music, and clothingLanguage, music, and ancestryCommon country of origin, language, and religionAthos, Porthos, and AramisCommon ancestry, language, and religionQuestion 3.3. (TCO 6) In sociological terms, members of a minority are _____. (Points : 5)any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural difference that a society sets apart and subordinatesare outnumbered by the dominant groupspeak a different language than the dominant groupare members of a different religious group than the dominant groupvote less often than those in the majority groupQuestion 4.4. (TCO 5) Scapegoat theory states that prejudice is created by (Points : 5)cultural beliefs.high levels of immigration.frustration among disadvantaged people.people with rigid personalities.somebody else, but not me.Question 5.5. (TCO 8) Which concept refers to attitudes and activities that a society links to people of each sex? (Points : 5)Primary sex characteristicsSexual orientationGender rolesSecondary sex characteristicsGender normsQuestion 6.6. (TCO 8) What is the form of social organization in which females dominate males? (Points : 5)PatriarchyMatriarchyMonarchyOligarchyMatrimonyQuestion 7.7. (TCO 8) Talcott Parsons explained that males tend to exhibit _____ behavior, while females are more _____. (Points : 5)instrumental; expressiveexpressive; instrumentalegalitarian; hierarchicalrational; emotionalemotional; rationalQuestion 8.8. (TCO 8) Which type of feminism seeks to end patriarchy by eliminating the idea of gender itself? (Points : 5)Liberal feminismSocialist feminismRadical feminismModerate feminismLibertarian feminismQuestion 9.9. (TCO 7) Comparing school performance, researchers have found that the most important cause of the achievement gap between rich and poor children is (Points : 5)differences in schools.differences in home environments.differences in personal ability.differences in personal health.differences in family composition.Question 10.10. (TCO 3) Which sociological perspective would suggest that the family, is important enough to be called the backbone of society? (Points : 5)Structural-Functional perspectiveConflict perspectiveInteractionist perspectiveSocial-exchange perspectiveFeminist perspectiveCardiologist Angie O’Plasty’s approach to healthcare emphasizes prevention of illness and takes into account a person’s entire physical and social environment. This approach is called (Points : 5)medicine.healthcare.scientific medicine.wholistic medicine.holistic medicine.Question 2.2. (TCO 7) The term empty nest refers to (Points : 5)families whose children have grown and left home.women who choose to remain single.women who marry, but choose to remain childless.egalitarian family structures.couples who are unable to have a child.Question 3.3. (TCO 7) _____ is Emile Durkheim’s term for that which is defined as extraordinary, inspiring a sense of awe and reverence, while _____ is the term that includes ordinary parts of everyday life. (Points : 5)Scared; profaneProfane; sacredFaith; life.Pomp; circumstanceSacred; profaneQuestion 4.4. (TCO 7) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of fundamentalism? (Points : 5)They believe that the sacred texts should be interpreted literally.They do not accept religious pluralism.They pursue the personal experience of God’s presence.Fundamentalists endorse secular humanism.Fundamentalists endorse conservative political agendaQuestion 5.5. (TCO 3) The problem of functional illiteracy means that (Points : 5)many young people leave school without having learned basic skills.many older people have forgotten the lessons they learned in school.a significant share of U.S. children never attend school.people have fewer problems than those who are nonfunctionally illiterate.many teachers in U.S. schools do not know how to teach.Question 6.6. (TCO 3) Following the social-conflict approach, patterns of health and illness are seen largely as a product of (Points : 5)technology.how people define the situation they experience.how culture defines health and illness.a mobile societysocial inequality.Question 7.7. (TCO 5) Capitalism is an economic system in which (Points : 5)there is private ownership of property.all property is communally owned, and no social distinctions are made on the basis of people’s ability to produce.the means of production and distribution are collectively owned.there is a private/public partnership in the production of goods and services.the rich are exploited by the poor.Question 8.8. (TCO 5) In a socialist economic system, justice amounts to (Points : 5)trying to meet the basic needs of all in a equal manner.doing whatever helps boost company earnings.freedom of the marketplace.allowing people to follow their self-interest.little more than lip service.Question 9.9. (TCO 5) As described by C. Wright Mills, the power elite model of the U.S. political system suggests that (Points : 5)a large group of religious leaders, public advocates, and community groups control the fate of the U.S.it is made up of all of the mayors, governors, senators, and representatives in the U.S.the group that stands at the top of the power structure in the U.S. is a secret cabal.power is concentrated in the hands of a few.a group of lobbyists and former officials in the U.S. that control the government behind the scenes.Question 10.10. (TCO 5) In Max Weber’s view, monarchy claims legitimacy based on (Points : 5)egalitarian authority.charismatic authority.traditional authority.rational-legal authority.ritualistic authority.

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