What is the probability of having friends

What is the probability of having friends that are gang membersor believing your chance of being arrested for illegally carrying agun is Very Good? i.e., P(Gang or VG)? [If you illegally carry a gun in Chicago, what is yourchance of being arrested?Do you havefriends thatare gangmembers? Very Good Good Poor 27 41 14 9 24 20 36 65 34 NoYesTOTAL 0.660.520.750.59 The police treat White people betterthan African Americans.BetterwhiteTotal Same Total Worse No 188 99 20 307 Yes 11291317 563662 7595 17672074 Using the above table, what is the probability of selecting aWhite person or someone that selected same P(White orSame)?EndFragment0.88 0.900.990.94What is the probability of answering “No One” given thatsomeone has gang members as friends? i.e., P(No One | Gang)? About many people would you say you recognize or know by sight in youneighborhood?Do you havefriends that aregang members? A great many Many people A few people No one No 16 29 29 8 Yes 22 18 12 1 TOTAL 38 47 41 9 In the table below, what is the column marginal for “ever had homebroken into = yes”?Ever had home broken into?Gender Yes No Female 1558 1064 Total2622 Male 1567 1069 2636 Total 3125 2133 5258 2622263631252133 About many people would you say you recognize or know by sight in youneighborhood?Do you havefriends that aregang members? A great many Many people A few people No one No 16 29 29 8 Yes 22 18 12 1 TOTAL 38 47 41 9 What’s the probability of answering “a great many” and that someonedoesn’t have gang member friends? i.e., P(A Great Many and No Gang)? Really good things that happenare because of luck Gender Strongly Agree Agree Disagree StronglyDisagree Total Male 9 90 319 120 538 Female 11 129 514 127 781 Total 20 219 833 247 1319 Using the above table, what is the probability of selecting someonewho is Female and selected Disagree (P(F and D)?.

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