What are the stages a firm typically goes through

Discussion Board 2What are the stages a firm typically goes through as it grows internationally? How does each stage affect the HR function?Discussion Board 3Describe the formation process of cross-border mergers, acquisitions, and international joint ventures. What are the major differences?Discussion Board 4As a newly appointed project manager of a research team, you believe that you will be able to manage the project virtually from your office in London, even though the other six members are located in Munich. This will solve your personal dilemma as your family does not want to be relocated. The project has a six-month deadline. What factors should you consider in order to make this virtual assignment effective?Discussion Board 5What are the benefits of using international teams? Please do some outside research, and provide an example.Discussion Board 6Discuss the key components of an international compensation program. Give an example of one of these components and how it has affected a company of your choice.Discussion Board 7Discuss the recent trends and issues in the global workforce context.

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