umuc hrmn367 full course (discussions+assignments) latest 2016 november

Week 1 discussion
Please respond to all questions, one question at a time.
Each topic should be addressed as a separate thread.
Indicate the activity in the title of your response, for
example: Activity # 1 or Activity # 2
Activity #1 – Introduction
Welcome to our course discussions!
Post an introduction explaining why you are taking this
course, what you hope to learn in the course, and an interesting fact about you
and/or your professional/ educational goals.
Feel free to communicate your message in an advanced way,
such as audio, video or a Web 2.0 tool.
If you choose this option, it would also be helpful to post a text
Activity #2 – Organizational Culture
Based on your reading of the textbook chapter, describe and
give an example of an assumption in your organization. This should be a belief
that is “taken for granted”, about “the way we do things
here”. The attached chart may help you identify some basic assumptions.
Respond to at least 2 other classmate posts with meaningful,
positive comments. “Good job!”
or “me too” is not meaningful.
Instead, be specific and share your experiences about the stated topic. As a reminder, keep conferences on task and
not off the main topic. Always check
your spelling before you submit.

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