UMUC ACCT635 project paper

Deliverables:Project:Submit your Project paperproject for ethics 635Project (35%)Each student must submit a paper and recorded audio-enhanced presentation file for the course Project, which is based on the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. The paper and presentation are to be solely the work of each student and not have been submitted for any other class. Each student will submit his/her paper and presentation files to the appropriate assignment folder in the LEO Gradebook. The submissions are to be done no later than the due date listed in the Course Schedule below.The paper is to be 20-25 pages long, not including the title page, reference list, or any appendices. Follow all APA style guidelines, including those for in-text citations. Use 12-point Arial font with 1-inch margins on all four sides. Use only primary or scholarly secondary sources (note: Wikipedia is neither a primary nor scholarly secondary source). The paper and presentation must cover specific parts of AICPA Code of Professional Conduct as described in the Project documentation, which you professor will provide. Tables, pictures, figures, etc. should be included in an appendix, not in the body of the paper. A reference list in APA format is also required.The presentation must be recorded and include audio-enhanced slides, speaker’s notes beneath each slide and cover all relevant parts of the Project. The length of the recorded presentation must be approximately 15 minutes.

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