U. Houston PSYCH 2380 – Imagine you are listening to a political

1. Imagine you are listening to a political candidate. Which of the following scenarios would result in your experiencing the most long-lasting attitude change in the direction of the candidate’s position>A. The candidates arguments are low in quality, but there are a lot of them, and you dont care much about the issueB. The topic is not very important to you, and you are captivated by the candidate’s dazzling smileC. The candidate’s arguments are strong and you care a lot about the issue, but you don’t regard the candidate as an expert in the areaD. You find the candidate unattractive, the candidate’s arguments are weak and the topic is highly relevant to you2.Suppose you run an advertising agency and have 3 different clients to create ads for a company selling plastic utensils a company selling top of the line very expensive high tech computers and a company selling prescription drugs to treat serious heart conditions. Based on the ELM model of attitude change for which of these products would it help to use a well liked celebrity spokeperson to endorse the product in an advertisement?A. Plastic itensilsB.TOp of the line computersC. heart drugsD. A&CE. B&C

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