The topic in which I have to write on

The topic in which I have to write on is the Hostile Work Environments and how EQ techniques and/or theories can assist in resolving and preventing the hostile work environment.The requirements for this paper is as follows:Minimum 15 pagesMinimum of 10 references of which 2 are from recent (within 12 months) articles from the popular press and 8 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles that research the impact of emotional intelligence.Description of the EQ skills to be used.I will leave the bulk of the paper up to you, but here are a few areas I had thought of covering (in no particular order):What is a hostile work environment? The impact that a hostile work environment has an an organization/company.How does someone detect that a hostile work environment is taking place?What can be done to prevent the hostile work environment?What impact does a hostile work environment have on people? How can the use of the EQ skills/techniques help a leader prevent the hostile work environment?How can the use of the EQ skills/techniques help a leader stop a hostile work environment?

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