The task of purchasing media for your client’s

You have been assigned the task of purchasing media for your client’s advertising campaign. In a two to four-page paper, discuss the steps you would use in determining how you would select a media venue. Describe each of the five W’s for your media planning. Describe the three most important rules of media buying and why they apply to your client. The paperMust be two to four double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Will use Turn it InThe Five W’s of Media PlanningWhen developing a media plan it is important to concentrate on the reasons behind the plan’s development. In order to make sure you have all ofthe relevant content in the plan it is useful to ensure it includes the five W’s of media planning. The five W’s associated with the development of the media include who, when, why, what, and where. Each of these areas must be included somewhere in the advertising plan, and the mostadvantageous place is the media plan.Who?Who refers to the target audience. The target market and target audience are generally very similar, but not always. Often the target audienceis different from the target market because the company wants to reach only a subset of the target market with the message. Think of advertisersinvolved in the cereal industry. Many cereals are consumed by children. Since many children do not have the ability to buy cereal, parents typically make purchases. The parents purchase the cereal, which is consumed by the children. Children may have some influence on the parent’s purchase.Because of that, many cereal advertisers include children in their target audience because kids often see an ad about product and then persuadeparents to purchase the product. In this case, the target market is adults, but the target audience is children.When?When represents the best times to advertise. Most products have buying times or buying seasons associated with them. Marketers and advertisers must be ready to sell products when the consumer is ready to purchase. Advertising when consumers aren’t engaged in the purchase ordon’t see a need or want for the product is a waste of time, effort, and money. Because of this, media buys are timed. The result is a media flightingchart or media schedule.Why?Why refers to the rationale in making the media purchase. Why is one vehicle (type of medium) better than another? Why is the timing for the advertising selected? These decisions help create a more efficient advertising plan.What?What indicates the items that need to be communicated to the target audience. What specifically, is the advertiser trying to tell the audience? What unique aspect of the product or service would the audience like to know?Where?Where indicates resource allocation. Typically this refers to the budget and available monies that can be spent on each of the various mediaunder consideration. At some point in the plan, the advertiser must indicate how much money will be spent on the individual media buys and the total media buys.

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