the continuation of my Organic dog food.

This is the continuation of my Organic dog food.Choose a specific brand of product/service and provide detailed information regarding your marketing strategy:9. Product/service – What is distinctive or unique about your brand and product/service that separates it from competitors and substitutes?10. Price – What will be the drivers of your pricing decision? Competitive positioning, customer, margins?11. Promotion – Will you focus on push or pull strategies or both? Why? What will your advertising message be? What is your budget going to be and how did you arrive at this budget? Show calculations and justification. How are you going to allocate your budget amongst the various promotion programs?12. Place (distribution) – Which channels of distribution will you use and why? What will be your main drivers for motivating your channels to give you shelf-space? 13. Implementation –Time line formarketing program. Answers the questions who? when? where? what? and why?14. Detailed financial projections of costs and revenues for the first 12 months showing calculations and explanation of numbers15. Evaluation and Control – How and when will you evaluate your progress.

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