Develop one multiple choice question that covers content from each of the four chapters listed below.When writing your sample questions, please keep in mind the specifications regarding itemconstruction discussed in the textbook. Also, remember the importance of carefully crafted distractoroptions. Finally, please limit the number of response options to 4 (1 correct response and 3distractors), and avoid the options of “all of the above,” none of the above,” or the like. Be sure toindicate which of the response options is the correct one.Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Question (2.5 points) Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Question (2.5 points) Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Question (2.5 points) Chapter 6 Multiple Choice Question (2.5 points) Page 1 of 7 PSYC 421 PART 2: Item Analysis: Item Difficulty Index (Cohen et al., 2013, pg. 263)A test is only as good as its questions! When researchers, test constructors, and educators create itemsfor ability or achievement tests, we have a responsibility to evaluate the items and make sure that theyare useful and high-quality. The process that we use to evaluate test items is known as Item Analysis.When bad items are identified and eliminated from a test, that increases the efficiency, reliability andvalidity of the entire test! One way that we can distinguish among good and bad items is with theItem Difficulty Index.Part 2A: Calculating Item DifficultyUsing the data below, calculate the Item Difficulty Index for the first 6 items on Quiz 1 from a recentsection of PSYC101. For each item, “1” means the item was answered correctly and “0” means it wasanswered incorrectly. Type your answers in the spaces provided at the bottom of the table. (1 pt. each)PSYC101 Quiz 1 Item Distribution and Total ScoresExaminee Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Total Score Andre 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 Allison 1 1 1 1 0 0 7 Heather 1 1 1 1 0 0 10 Corey 1 1 0 1 1 1 17 Christina 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 Jeffrey 0 1 1 1 0 0 11 Shawn 1 1 1 1 0 1 14 Dana 0 0 1 1 0 1 10 Megan 1 1 1 1 0 1 13 David 0 1 1 1 0 1 12 Isabel 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 Lance 1 1 1 1 0 0 9 Aliyah 1 1 1 1 0 1 15 Blaire 0 1 1 1 0 1 12 Gabriel 0 0 1 1 0 0 6 Page 2 of 7 PSYC 421 ItemDifficulty Part 2B: Calculating Optimal Item Difficulty (.5 pt. each)1. For a test item with two response options (e.g., true/false), what is the probability of selecting thecorrect answer by chance?%2. Calculate the optimum level of difficulty for a test questions with two response options.3. For a test item with three response options, what is the probability of selecting the correct answerby chance?%4. Calculate the optimum level of difficulty for a test questions with three response options.5. For a test item with four response options, what is the probability of selecting the correct answerby chance?%6. Calculate the optimum level of difficulty for a test questions with four response options.7. For a test item with five response options, what is the probability of selecting the correct answer bychance?%8. Calculate the optimum level of difficulty for a test questions with five response options. PART 3: Item Analysis: Item Discrimination Index (Cohen et al., 2013, pg. 265–266)Another way that test creators can distinguish between good and bad items is with an analysis calledthe Discrimination Index. The discrimination index measures how well an individual test itemdistinguishes between high scorers and low scores on the test. An item is considered to be “good” ifmost of the high scorers get it right, and most of the low scorers get it wrong.Interpreting the Discrimination Index (d)Page 3 of 7 PSYC 421 The discrimination index can range from -1.0 to 1.0.The closer d is to 1.0, the better the item discriminates between high and low scorersThe closer d is to 0, the more poorly the item discriminates between high and low scorers.An item with a negative discrimination index is considered a “negative discriminator” becausemore low scorers get the item correct than high scorers. A discrimination index of 1.0 means all the high scorers got the item correct and all of the lowscorers got it incorrect. A discrimination index of -1.0 means all of the low scorers got the item correct and all of thehigh scorers got it incorrect. Items with d’s close to 0 or with negative d’s ought to be eliminated from the test!Calculating the Item Discrimination Index (d) Calculate the item discrimination index (d) for the 7 hypothetical test items presented below. Typeyour answers in the spaces provided at the right of the table (1 pt. each).Item # U L n Item 1 21 17 25 Item 2 23 7 25 Item 3 25 0 25 Item 4 3 24 25 Item 5 22 3 25 Item 6 0 25 25 Item 7 19 6 25 d Based on your calculations above, answer the following questions (1 pt. each).1. Which item discriminates the best? 2. Which item discriminates most poorly? 3. Based on your analysis, identify which two items would you choose to eliminate from this test andexplain why you would eliminate each. Page 4 of 7 PSYC 421 Part 4: Item Characteristic Curves (Cohen et al., pg. 268–270)Another method that test creators can use to assess the usefulness of test items is with ItemCharacteristic Curves. Item characteristic curves provide a graphical depiction of examinees’performance on individual test items. As indicated in the figure below, Total Test Score is plotted onthe x-axis of the graph, while proportion of examinees who got the item correct is plotted on the y-axis. Using the figure above, provide a written description of how test items A–D discriminate amongexaminees at various levels of performance. In your responses, discuss why each item would beconsidered a “good” or a “bad” item. EXAMPLE: “This item discriminates well among high scores,but doesn’t discriminate well among low scorers. So this item would be considered a good itembecause it discriminates at the highest levels of performance.” (2 pt. each)ItemA: ItemB: Page 5 of 7 PSYC 421 ItemC: ItemD: ItemE: Part 5: Qualitative Item Analysis (Cohen et al., pg. 272–274)Qualitative item analysis refers to a set of non-statistical procedures used to gather information aboutthe usefulness of test items. These analyses typically involve interviews, panel discussions,questionnaires and other forms of verbal exchange with test-takers to explore how individual test itemswork.As an online student, you have a very different test-taking experience than residential students. Basedon your readings from Chapter 8, identify 4 topics related to online test taking, and create 4 qualitativequestions that you could ask online test-takers to gain an understanding of their experiences with testtaking. Also, as students at a Christian institution of higher education, course assignments/assessmentsare supposed to give students an opportunity to integrate course content with their Christian worldview.Given the topic of faith and learning, create one qualitative question that you could ask test-takers.Topic (1 pt. each) Sample Question for Test-Takers (1 pt. each) Page 6 of 7 PSYC 421 Assignment Scoring (Instructor Use Only)Part 1 Subtotal: ?????/10Part 2 Subtotal: ?????/10Part 3 Subtotal: ?????/10Part 4 Subtotal: ?????/10Part 5 Subtotal: ?????/10TOTAL SCORE: ?????/50 Page 7 of 7

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