Summarize the research findings on pay secrecy that are reviewing

Summarize the research findings on pay secrecy that are reviewing by Giancola (2014). What definitive answers does this article present for HR managers that are interested in adopting the most effective pay secrecy/disclosure policies for their organization?Assume that you have earned your MBA, have been promoted a few times, and are now working as an executive in the private sector. Your annual salary is $250,000. How comfortable would you be if that salary were made public? Assume that your previous classmates, current friends and colleagues, and your extended family all discover how much you earn. Explain your answer.Assume that you have earned your MBA but were unable to find a job in your preferred field. Instead, you are now working as an assistant manager at a department store in the mall. Your annual salary is $24,000. How comfortable would you be if that salary were made public? Assume that your previous classmates, current friends and colleagues, and your extended family all discover how much you earn. Explain your answer.Case, J. (2001). When salaries aren’t secret. Harvard Business Review.Although private sector organizations rarely publicize their salary data, salary data from public institutions (such as state and municipal governments, primary and secondary schools, and public universities) are a matter of public record.Based on the arguments made in the article and the responses to the article, list and explain the advantages and disadvantages of making salaries a matter of public record. (1 point)List and explain any other advantages or disadvantages of publicizing salary data. The answer to this question may require you to do a bit of research. (1 point)Which of the four commentators offers the best advice to Hank? Support your choice with a solid argument. (1 point)

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