STATS 6604-The Excel data file contains the following

The Excel data file contains the following variables:Column 1: Response variable y=3-yr % ChgColumn 2: x1=52 week %Chg;Column 3: x2=52 week Low;Column 4: x3=52 week High;[Continue making columns through x9 using the information below.]x4= YTD %Chg; x5=Daily %Chg; x6=Daily Chg; x7=Daily Close;x8=Daily Low; x9=Daily HighWrite down the estimated regression model between the y-variable and the above x-variables(keep 4 decimals) from the given multiple regression output….e 5% as the significance level to evaluate which x-variables are significant and insignificant. (Which x-variable is the most significant and which x-variable is the least significant?)Set up a new regression model by using ONLY the significant x-variables in item 2. and the variable and estimate the model parameters. (Write down the estimated regression model.)SUMMARY OUTPUTRegression StatisticsMultiple R0.9647318279R Square0.9307074998Adjusted R Square0.917715156Standard Error8.5638366802Observations58ANOVAdfRegressionResidualTotal Intercept% Chg x1Low x2High x3YTD % Chg x4%Chg x5Chg x6Close x7Low x8High x9 SSMSFSignificance F9 47282.99435277 5253.666 71.63507 9.3783080239E-02548 3520.28633689 73.339357 50803.28068966 CoefficientsStandard Errort Stat-4.34411865031.609981944 -2.6982410.84287559560.0377497825 22.327960.00365581770.0016962494 2.155236-0.00089332470.0020314943 -0.439738-0.52913911730.1720840268 -3.0748886.90012082022.841690099 2.4281750.00888335060.0215108916 0.41297-0.02534454030.0423697597 -0.598175-0.0052157680.0233190411 -0.223670.02833238310.031850322 0.889548 P-value0.0095925.31E-0270.0361880.6621010.003470.0189730.6814680.5525350.8239630.378145 Lower 95%-7.58120430610.76697457090.0002452796-0.0049779179-0.87513724281.1865199369-0.0343671957-0.1105346518-0.0521018426-0.0357069813 Upper 95%Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0%-1.107033 -7.581204 -1.1070330.918777 0.766975 0.9187770.007066 0.000245 0.0070660.003191 -0.004978 0.003191-0.183141 -0.875137 -0.18314112.61372 1.18652 12.613720.052134 -0.034367 0.0521340.059846 -0.110535 0.0598460.04167 -0.052102 0.041670.092372 -0.035707 0.092372 3-yr %Chg y % Chg x1 Low x2 High x3 YTD % Chg x4 %Chg x5 Chg x6 Close x7 3.8 16.4 2053.65 2526.23 1.5 -0.001 -0.03 2522.99 6.2 10.8 1476.74 1732.37 0.9 -0.35 -5.97 1713.35 5.1 13 265.9 319.61 1.4 0.77 318.51 0.4 7.7 201.61 240.82 1 0.240.15 0.37 240.75 -0.3 -2 1279.77 1471.96 -2.3 -0.05 -0.74 1414.85 3.7 6.4 4633.5 5516.1 2.2 3.9 5470.8 4.4 6.3 4656 5536.1 2.6 0.070.05 2.5 5489.1 -11.8 -14.7 167.25 219.9 -6.5 -0.16 -0.29 175.73 -11.4 -7 1950.01 2324.02 -4.2 0.3 6.02 2026.36 -2.3 -2.7 19813.98 24038.55 -5 -1.42 -319.92 22133.97 5.4 14.9 17905.91 22876.54 5.9 -0.22 -48.39 22417.8 8.2 -4.4 3967.84 5214.98 13.2 20.47 4840.15 10.9 0.6 212.35 265.9 -11.2 0.38 235.86 13.2 3.7 12445.38 16291.31 -12.2 15.88 14304.11 10.9 0.4 1044.17 1306.23 -10.7 6.8 9 1686.17 1872.52 0.2 14.1 13.7 4316.99 5232.68 10.5 33.8 52.3 18982.42 29458.15 14.5 15.8 -5.1 5738.06 7392.2 13.9 0.9 -3.1 2960.09 3454.37 3.1 0.420. -3.6 -0.1 1780.63 2059.58 -2.5 -5.4 4.5 5605.26 6488.85 -0.8 8.6 7663.23 9 -11.4 6 1.7 1162.44 12.18 1871.52 84.39 5232.68 476.39 28912.98 71.46 6707.91 26.97 3264.71 -0.15 -2.98 1961.79 5.3 0.6 37.42 6223.67 8974.71 2.1 -0.91 -80.67 8791.44 1224.62 1643.43 8.9 0.18 2.61 1414.94 13.8 275.66 339.18 2.9 -0.07 -0.23 337.89 3.8 9.2 2515.8 2980.98 2 -0.12 -3.46 2977.52 2 17.9 2511.83 3230.33 2.9 -0.32 -10.29 3198.39 3.5 19.4 254.52 329.72 3.4 -0.23 -0.76 324.97 -3.9 4.6 2170.86 2729.07 -0.8 -0.07 -1.77 2525.22 3.7 16.9 2453.11 3151.6 5.7 -0.85 -26.47 3089.8 -7.1 4.4 852.9 1046.1 2.2 1010.3 14.3 30.9 452.91 662.5 13.6 0.56 643.04 -0.7 20.3 5769.73 7565.32 0.2 1.065.79 7352.02 3 16.4 3595.63 4497.68 4.5 -0.23 -10.29 4487.39 8.5 21.3 7692.45 9742.96 0.5 0.2 19.11 9603.23 -10.3 -4.7 16140.53 19743.65 -6.1 -1.03 -181.48 17434.53 -1 29.9 15056.57 22175.48 14.8 -0.88 -193.46 21783.38 3.6 14 332.25 408.62 -0.3 2.08 400.55 8.4 22.6 500.84 643.2 6.7 1.16 643.2 1.2 17.5 43667.37 55246.4 1.2 49.99 51892.77 -1 19.3 5236.49 7734.95 13.7 17.64 7456.91 -17.1 -17.9 1062.47 1518.54 -19.9 0.520. 2.34 1155.7 -1.3 24.2 7553.2 10677.2 5.5 -0.02 -2 10459 5.9 17.9 350.05 444.4 4.5 -0.29 -1.29 442.53 9 7.2 7249.47 8532.99 3.3 0.5 42 8476.66 1556.57 73871.54 0.5 2.150.15 10.12 6780.03 -0.7 -0.05 -79.44 15817.2 2.2 -14.1 61189.15 93178.87 9 3.8 5.1 6029.1 6865.9 9.6 12.7 13272.23 16726 8.7 17 396.6 477.32 1.9 0.32 1.5 474.5 25.8 76.3 2941.08 6827.58 25.8 -0.67 -45.57 6782.01 -7.9 -7.7 44965.66 56460.38 0.2 -0.41 -211.92 51626.69 1.7 18.9 11836.86 14651.87 7.6 68.76 14651.87 -12.2 -11.2 2860.24 3721.75 4.5 51.4 3267.46 3.3 -3.7 37517.23 42958.82 -4.7 8.89 40711.56 220.9 249.8 668.86 2847.25 -14.5 5.76 2339.8 18.2 58.9 4523.32 8501.63 21.7 0.471. 106.05 8256.14 1.6 14.5 1156.19 1422.39 3.7 -0.36 -4.99 1378.93 14.2 26.2 38075.22 48935.36 5.7 -0.13 -65.26 48870.1 Low x8 High x9 2513.72 2524.91 1707.63 1721.28 317.07 318.71 239.93 240.93 1412.41 1421.13 5446.3 5488.5 5463.6 5507.6 175.39 176.25 2016.58 2029.54 22097.36 22466.04 22284.96 22680.46 4827.48 4846.23 235.53 237.6 14275.69 14421.22 1160.65 1170.31 1857.07 1871.52 5148.29 5232.68 28436.59 28939.9 6652.03 6710.05 3248.62 3267.83 1955.15 1974.33 6185.53 6229.66 8791.44 8890.09 1412.64 1419.38 336.94 338.36 2969.39 2985.95 3186.96 3204.76 323.91 325.43 2518.13 2531.33 3081.27 3101.35 1006.2 1014.5 641.32 645.69 7315.44 7370.93 4470.75 4491.29 9561.06 9618.98 17434.53 17616.01 21694 21976.23 399.29 401.35 640.93 646.71 51865.42 52036.79 7392.46 7465.08 1142.44 1156.18 10397.7 10500.4 441.95 443.24 8447.02 8487.09 72374.47 74241.14 6748.8 6794.9 15801.34 15919.96 471.35 474.77 6715.57 6828.36 51250.61 51837.56 14569.32 14662.01 3215.18 3271.06 40433.66 40798.43 2327.55 2339.8 8150.09 8259.44 1375.5 1385.43 48743.26 48935.36

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