STATISTICS 101-In a certain city, there are about 250,000 eligible voters

What test should you use to answer these questions? Assume all samples are simple random samples and ? (alpha) is taken to be 0.05.In a certain city, there are about 250,000 eligible voters. A sample of male voters and a sample of female voters were taken to study the relationship between sex and participation in the last election. The results:Men that voted 850Women that voted 1024Men that didn’t vote 750Women that didn’t vote 976Is participation in the election the same for males and females?Question options:1)One sample z-test for the population mean.2)One sample z-test for proportions.4)two sample z-test for proportions.5)one sample t-test for the population mean.Question 4A random sample of size 21 was taken from a normal population. The sample average was 9.87 and the sample SD was 1.17. What test should you use for testing whether the population mean equals 9.7?Question options:1)One sample z-test for proportions.2)two sample z-test for proportions.3)one sample t-test for the population mean.4)None of our hypothesis tests fit.Question 5A new drug has been developed for a group of people and the researchers are worried that it might have an effect on pulse rate. This particular group of people has a known mean pulse rate of 82 bpm (beats per minute). A sample of 36 people taking this experimental drug is taken from the population. The mean pulse rate of the sample is 84 bpm with a standard deviation of 5 bpm. Is there evidence that the drug is changing pulse rate?Question options:1)One sample z-test for the population mean.2)two sample z-test for the population means.3)One sample z-test for proportions.4)two sample z-test for proportions.5)None of our hypothesis tests fit.

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