STATISTICS 1005-A student of Introductory Statistics decided

A student of Introductory Statistics decided to conduct an investigation into how students’ final exam grades (out of 60) are related to the coursework grade (out of 40) and the number of Blackboard Collaborate live sessions missed (out of 6). The student selected some close friends from the Introductory Statistics course and recorded their final exam grade (Final60), their CourseWork grade (CW40) and the number of Blackboard Collaborate live sessions missed (BbCMissed). The scores were inputted into MINITAB so as to fit the modelRegression Analysis: Final60 versus CW40, BbCMissedThe regression equation isFinal60 = 42.085 + 0.178 CW40 – 5.790 BbCMissedPredictor Coef SE Coef T PConstant 42.085 13.498 3.118 0.009CW40 0.178 0.386 0.460 0.654BbCMissed – 5.790 0.952 -6.083 0.000S = 6.159 R-Sq = 77.1%% R-Sq(adj) = 73.3%Analysis of VarianceSource DF SS MS F PRegression 2 1532.603 766.301 20.204 0.000Residual Error 12 4 55.130 3 7.928Total 14 1987.733(i) What is the sample size used in this investigation?(ii) Conduct a hypothesis test, at the 5% level of significance, to determine whether the regression coefficient “BbCMissed” is significant.(iii) What final exam grade (out of 60) would a student expect to get if the student missed 5 BbC sessions (out of 6) and achieved 30 (out of 40) for the coursework?(iv) State one limitation of using the regression equation for predicting a students’ final exam grade (out of 60)

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