SQL Data Definition Language

1. SQL Data Definition Language – (For each of the questions below, Solve and explain how you got the answer in your words)1.1. Create a base table. Write the SQL to create a table based on one of your entities. Be sure to identify the primary key as part of your SQL syntax1.2. Create a view. Write the SQL to create a view on the base table1.3. Show base tables with data. Show a base table along with six rows containing data for three entities in your entity-relationship diagram. Display each table in the form of an MS Word table2. SQL Data Manipulation Language (insert, update, and delete) –(For each of the questions below, Solve and explain how you got the answer in your words)2.1. Insert a row. Write a SQL query to insert a row into one of your base tables2.2. Update a row. Write a SQL query to change a data value in the inserted row2.3. Delete a row. Write a SQL query to delete the row from your base table3. SQL Data Manipulation Language for data retrieval –(For each of the questions below, Solve and explain how you got the answer in your words)For 3.1 through 3.7, Write the SQL query AND show the output using the data in your base tables3.1. Write a SQL query using a comparison operator (e.g., =, >, <)3.2. Write a SQL query using the “AND” or “OR” operator3.3. Write a SQL query using the “BETWEEN” or “LIKE” operator3.4. Write a SQL query using a built-in function3.5. Write a SQL query using the “GROUP BY” clause3.6. Write a SQL join query using two or more base tables.3.7. Write a SQL subquery using two or more base tables.4. Summarize all your answers in one paragraph.

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