Southwest Airlines Strategic Fit Week 2 – Case Analysis

Week 2 – Case Analysis: Southwest Airlines Strategic FitDIRECTIONS:Over the years thousands of students have had Southwest Airlines (SWA) assigned to them as a case study. Their answers have focused on SWOT analysis, Porter’ Fives Forces and recommendations for action. Few if any have ever truly grasped the ever so important concept of strategic fit as the cornerstone for SWA’s sustained competitive advantage or even addressed what has made SWA the most successful airline in United States history. What you seek to identify in this case study is not what SWA strategic advantage is we all know it is low cost provider. What you seek lies much deeper than a SWOT Analysis or Porter’s Five Forces. These are importance concepts and tools but what strategic strategies and what tasks had been blended together to mold astrategic fitforming a strategic advantage competitors for decades have tried and failed to copy?Strategic fit activities are what you seek to identity, discuss and map. What has happen since 2001 and been recently accelerated that threatens SWA’s competitive advantage? Read the entire case which is very interesting but contains much information not germane to what you seek. Sift through the facts and identify and discuss as many strategic fits (tasks or activities) SWA has implemented to create its dominating competitive advantage. Also, identify what has changed in SWA’s environment to threaten it decades old strategy and competitive advantage. Youshould also address the following questions:What is Southwest’s core competence? Its key success factors?How has Southwest management done in crafting and implementing the company’s strategy? What is it that you like or dislike about the strategy? Does Southwest have a winning strategy?What are the key policies, procedures, operating practices, and core valuesun­der­lyingSouthwest’s efforts to implement and execute its low-cost/no frills strategy?What problems do you foresee that Gary Kelly has in sustaining the culture now that HerbKelleher, the company’s spiritual leader, has departed?Southwest Airlines is very much a “strong culture” company. Discuss the evidence in the case indicating the lengths to which Southwest management has gone to nurture and ingrain the culture and to create a work environment where core values are widely shared and deeply entrenched:Which of Southwest’s strategy execution approaches and operating practices do you believe have been most crucial in accounting for the success that Southwest has enjoyed in executing its strategy? Are the any policies, procedures, and operating approaches at Southwest that you disapprove of or that are not working well?What weaknesses or problems do you see at Southwest Airlines?Does theAirTranacquisition make good strategic sense for Southwest? Does it Create value?What recommendations would you make to Gary Kelly and Southwest executives as the company heads into the future?

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