Some researchers have found matching behavior

1. Some researchers have found matching behavior to be associated with rapportbetween the interactants. Can you think of a situation in which rapport wouldnot involve matching behavior? 2. Based on Question #1, above, can you think of a situation in which matchingoccurred, but there was not much rapport? 3. Think of a person you know personally who does not like touching or beingtouched. What analysis can you offer for this person’s characteristics? Howmuch do you think it reflects personal history and personality versus social andcultural norms? 4. What do you think about the ethics of using touch to achieve compliance or afavor from someone? 5.Most studies find that touch is a rather infrequent event. Do you think this iscorrect? Discuss exceptions to this generalization. Why do you think touch mightseem to be not very common? ReferencesKnapp, M. & Hall, J. (2014). Nonverbal Communications in Human Interactions (8th ed.).Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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