SNHU OL 342 Milestone – designed to continue the critical analysis

OL 342 Milestone Two Guidelines and RubricThis milestone is designed to continue the critical analysis in Milestone One with a shift in lens to leadership and organizational culture. This short paperassignment is the second milestone in the analysis of the company within your final project. It should begin with a brief description (one paragraph) to transitionthe reader to the new analysis lens. The largest component of this short paper should focus on the leadership approach and any shifts through the course of thecase study example, including any aspects of the culture that influenced the organization. Lastly, the final aspect of the short paper is to connect the analysis intoinsights and conclusions. This assignment will be submitted in the form of a 750-word minimum paper.Prompt: Use the following case study to do your organizational analysis: The GM Culture Crisis: What Leaders Must Learn From This Culture Case Study.After reading the case study, answer these questions:III. Evaluate Leadership TheoryA. Describe a leadership style used in the case study and why there was a shift in leadership style throughout the case study.B. Explain the characteristics and decisions of management in the case study that help explain the shift in leadership style.C. Identify the internal and external influences on the organization that may have caused the shift in leadership style. Be sure to explain yourchoices.D. Describe the relationship between a leadership style used by the organization in the case study and the decision-making process. IV. Assess Organizational CultureA. Discuss the internal culture present within the organization. Be sure to utilize terms relative to organizational behavior.B. Identify specific examples from the case study that demonstrate the internal culture present within the organization. V. Insights and ConclusionsA. Explain why the leadership style(s) and internal culture of the organization complement each other or do not complement each other.B. Explain whether or not the changes in leadership style or internal culture of the organization influenced each other.C. Explain how the leadership styles and internal culture of the organization may have influenced the behavior of the employees within theorganization. You could consider providing specific instances or examples from within the case study to support your response. RubricGuidelines for Submission: Milestone Two should follow these formatting guidelines: 750 words minimum, double spacing, 12 point Times New Roman font,one-inch margins, and citations in APA format.Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,review these instructions.Critical ElementsEvaluate LeadershipTheory: LeadershipStyle Evaluate LeadershipTheory:Characteristics andDecisions Evaluate LeadershipTheory: Internal andExternal Influences Evaluate LeadershipTheory: Relationship AssessOrganizationalCulture: InternalCulture Exemplary (100%)Meets “Proficient” criteria, anddescription demonstrates anuanced understanding ofleadership styles and why theycan changeMeets “Proficient” criteria, andexplanation demonstrates keeninsight into how the behaviorsof management in the casestudy may have influenced theshift in leadership styleMeets “Proficient” criteria, andexplanation demonstrates keeninsight into how internal andexternal influences on theorganization in the case studymay have influenced the shift inleadership styleMeets “Proficient” criteria andmakes cogent connectionsbetween a leadership style usedin the case study and thedecision-making processes Proficient (85%)Describes a leadership styleused in the case study and whythere was a shift in leadershipstyle throughout the case study Meets “Proficient” criteria, andthe discussion is an especiallycomprehensive overview of theinternal culture of theorganization Discusses the internal culturepresent within the organizationusing terms relative toorganizational behavior Explain the characteristics anddecisions of management in thecase study that help explain theshift in leadership style Explains the internal andexternal influences on theorganization that may havecaused the shift in leadershipstyle Describes the relationshipbetween a leadership style usedin the case study and thedecision-making process Needs Improvement (55%)Describes a leadership styleused in the case study and whythere was a shift in leadershipstyle throughout the case study,but explanation is cursoryExplain the characteristics anddecisions of management in thecase study that help explain theshift in leadership style, butexplanation is cursory orinappropriateExplains the internal andexternal influences on theorganization that may havecaused the shift in leadershipstyle, but explanation is cursoryor inappropriate Not Evident (0%)Does not describe a leadershipstyle used in the case study andwhy there was a shift inleadership style throughout thecase studyDoes not explain thecharacteristics and decisions ofmanagement in the case studythat help explain the shift inleadership style Value Does not explain the internaland external influences on theorganization that may havecaused the shift in leadershipstyle 10 Describes the relationshipbetween a leadership style usedin the case study and thedecision-making process, butexplanation is cursory orinappropriateDiscusses the internal culturepresent within the organizationusing terms relative toorganizational behavior, butdiscussion is cursory orinappropriate Does not describe therelationship between aleadership style used in the casestudy and the decision-makingprocess 10 Does not discuss the internalculture present within theorganization using terms relativeto organizational behavior 10 10 10 AssessOrganizationalCulture: Examples Insights andConclusions:Complement Insights andConclusions:Influenced EachOther Insights andConclusions:Employees Articulation ofResponse Meets “Proficient” criteria, andidentification demonstrates anuanced understanding of theinternal culture present withinthe organizationMeets “Proficient” criteria, andexplanation demonstrates anuanced understanding of howleadership styles and culturecomplement each other Identifies specific examples fromthe case study that demonstratethe internal culture presentwithin the organization Meets “Proficient” criteria, andexplanation demonstrates anuanced understanding of theinfluence that leadership stylesand culture have on one anotherwithin the organizationMeets “Proficient” criteria, andexplanation provides cogentexample for how employeebehavior was influenced by theleadership styles and internalculture of the organization Explains whether or not thechanges in leadership style orinternal culture of theorganization influenced eachother Submission is free of errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, andorganization and is presented ina professional and easy-to-readformat Submission has no major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organization Explains why the leadershipstyle(s) and internal culture ofthe organization complementeach other or do notcomplement each other Explains how the leadershipstyles and internal culture of theorganization may haveinfluenced the behavior of theemployees within theorganization Identifies examples from thecase study that demonstrate theinternal culture present withinthe organization, butidentification is inappropriateExplains why the leadershipstyle(s) and internal culture ofthe organization complementeach other or do notcomplement each other, butexplanation is cursory orinappropriateExplains whether or not thechanges in leadership style orinternal culture of theorganization influenced eachother, but explanation is cursory Does not identify examples fromthe case study that demonstratethe internal culture presentwithin the organization 10Does not explain why theleadership style(s) and internalculture of the organizationcomplement each other or donot complement each other 10 Does not explain whether or notthe changes in leadership styleor internal culture of theorganization influenced eachother 10 Explains how the leadershipstyles and internal culture of theorganization may haveinfluenced the behavior of theemployees within theorganization, but explanation iscursory or inappropriateSubmission has major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat negatively impactreadability and articulation ofmain ideas Does not explain how theleadership styles and internalculture of the organization mayhave influenced the behavior ofthe employees within theorganization 10 Submission has critical errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat prevent understanding ofideas 10 Total 100%

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