SNHU HSE 340 The final project – As a human services practitioner

HSE 340 Milestone One Guidelines and RubricThe final project for this course is the creation of a case review.As a human services practitioner, you could be in a position that requires you to review medical records and to be aware of all related federal and state laws andstatutes, healthcare mandates, codes of ethics, and credentialing requirements (e.g., the Joint Commission for Accrediting Hospital Organizations [JCAHO], whichgoverns most hospitals). You will be reviewing a case study to determine what legal and ethical issues need to be considered when deciding if it is appropriate todivulge the information requested.In this milestone, you will write an introduction to the provided case study, with Milestone Two being the actual case review. Up to this point, the modules in thiscourse have assisted you in learning the basics of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and protected health information (PHI). In yourrole as a human services professional (HSP), ethics related to confidentiality of PHI will be extremely important. As you continue to learn about PHI and its impacton human services work in this course, you will learn about legal issues that can arise from ethical standards not being followed. Be sure to access the articlesprovided in the module resources, in addition to the textbook, to obtain supplementary content that will assist you with this assignment. Discharge planning isthe main function for the final project, so keep that in mind as you read about implications of insufficient discharge protocols.Consider the following scenario.Stephanie is a human-services policy analyst who works with the state-run psychiatric hospital system. Her job is to facilitate discharges of patients to thecommunity by coordinating with local mental-health centers and providers of care to make sure that the patient has adequate and immediate post-dischargecare. Stephanie received a call from a parole officer of a 25-year-old Laotian immigrant patient named Kevin, who was in the hospital. The parole officer indicatedthat Kevin violated parole by abusing illegal substances prior to the admission to the state hospital. The parole officer asked questions about Kevin’s diagnoses,where he was being discharged to, and the staff involved in his care while hospitalized. You have been asked to determine if Stephanie can legally and ethicallyanswer these questions and provide confidential health information about Kevin to the parole officer.For this milestone, you will submit a draft of the introduction, including all critical elements listed below. Review the Ethical Standards for Human ServicesProfessionals. Analyze the codes of ethics that relate to the release of health information and how they correlate with the Health Insurance Portability andAccountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. Include the major legal concerns that have arisen by allowing the release of health information. Review hospital-specific legaland ethical considerations when releasing confidential patient information to other providers of care upon discharge from a hospital. Conduct an analysis of thechallenges faced by agencies holding health information experience and how these issues are commonly resolved. Review strategies used by other large healthand human services agencies to prevent legal suits being brought against them. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:I. Introduction: Codes of Ethics and Legal Considerations in Human Services PracticesReview and analyze the codes of ethics and legal considerations within the human services field.A. What codes of ethics relate to the release of health information in the human services field? Include your rationale for how you determinedwhich codes apply.B. What legal concerns relate to the release of health information? Use citations to substantiate your claims.C. What are some of the ramifications for inappropriately releasing confidential information about a patient or client in a hospital setting?D. What challenges does a program/agency/hospital experience in relation to the codes of ethics and legal issues?E. If a case with health services aspects involved were to go to court, what legal aspects are to be considered? Include other issues that should beconsidered by agencies or hospitals to ensure compliance when releasing healthcare and other confidential information. Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One must be submitted as a one- to two-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Romanfont, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,review these instructions.Critical ElementsIntroduction:Codes of Ethics Proficient (100%)Identifies the codes of ethics that relate to therelease of health information in the humanservices field and includes rationale for howthe codes were determinedIdentifies legal concerns that relate to therelease of health information, using citationsto substantiate claims Needs Improvement (75%)Identifies the codes of ethics that relate to therelease of health information in the humanservices field, but does not include rationalefor how the codes were determinedIdentifies legal concerns that relate to therelease of health information, but does notuse citations to substantiate claims Not Evident (0%)Does not identify the codes of ethics thatrelate to the release of health information Does not identify legal concerns that relate tothe release of health information 18 Introduction:ConfidentialInformation Accurately interprets ramifications forinappropriately releasing confidentialinformation about a patient or client in ahospital setting Does not interpret ramifications forinappropriately releasing confidentialinformation 18 Introduction:Challenges Describes challenges that a program, agency,or hospital may experience in relation tocodes of ethics and legal issues Interprets ramifications for inappropriatelyreleasing confidential information about apatient or client in a hospital setting, butinterpretation is inaccurate or overlooksrelevant factorsDescribes challenges that a program, agency,or hospital may experience, but does notrelate them to both ethical and legal issues Does not describe challenges that a program,agency, or hospital may experience 18 Introduction:Legal Concerns Value18 Introduction:Legal Aspects Identifies legal aspects to be considered if ahealth services case were to go to court, andincludes other issues to be considered toensure compliance when releasing healthcareand other confidential information Articulation ofResponse Submission has no major errors related tocitations, grammar, spelling, syntax, ororganization Identifies legal aspects to be considered if ahealth services case were to go to court, butdoes not include other issues to beconsidered to ensure compliance whenreleasing healthcare and other confidentialinformation, or the court case findings are notaccurateSubmission has major errors related tocitations, grammar, spelling, syntax, ororganization that negatively impact readabilityand articulation of main ideas Does not apply legal aspects to a proposedcourt case 18 Submission has critical errors related tocitations, grammar, spelling, syntax, ororganization that prevent understanding ofideas 10 Earned Total 100%

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