snhu ACC 692 Part I Milestone Two

ACC 692 Part I Milestone Two Guidelines and RubricOverview: Part I of the final project is a case analysis in which you will analyze the HealthSouth case in terms of fraud theory and discuss social, legal, and ethicalaspects of a fraud investigation. Specifically, you will explain what fraud was committed, who perpetrated the fraud and why, how the fraud was able to occur,and the time span of the fraud.Prompt: Submit your discussion of what theoretical model best applies to the HealthSouth fraud scheme. Additionally, analyze the ethical framework related tothe case, such as the importance of the investigator’s adherence to the ACFE Code of Ethics.Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:I. III. Theoretical Model of FraudA. What theoretical model of fraud best applies to this fraud scheme? Defend your response.B. Discuss the fraud scheme using the theoretical model. Be sure to provide examples illustrating the scheme in terms of the fraud model.C. Based on the theoretical model you selected, what motivations existed to commit the fraud? Provide specific examples of behavior or situationsto illustrate these motivations.Ethical FrameworkA. The Certified Fraud Examiner designation is a global designation; therefore, in a general nature, discuss the importance of the fraudinvestigator’s adherence to the components of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) code of ethics.B. Discuss the importance of the fraud investigator’s adherence to the components of the ACFE code of ethics, specifically in this case, including:1. Client confidentiality2. Integrity3. ObjectivityC. How could deception have been used in the interviewing? Ethically speaking, is this an appropriate way to obtain information?D. Based on your responses, explain what your ethical framework would look like in relation to appropriate standards of conduct in conductinginvestigations. RubricGuidelines for Submission: Your case analysis must be submitted as a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Romanfont, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,review these instructions.Critical ElementsTheoretical Model ofFraud: Best Applies Proficient (100%)Determines the theoreticalmodel of fraud that best appliesto this fraud scheme anddefends response Theoretical Model ofFraud: Fraud Scheme Discusses the fraud schemeusing the theoretical model andprovides examples illustratingthe scheme in terms of the fraudmodelDetermines the motivations thatexisted to commit the fraudbased on the theoretical modeland provides specific examplesof behavior or situation toillustrate the motivations Theoretical Model ofFraud: Motivations Ethical Framework: GlobalDesignation Discusses the importance of theinvestigator’s adherence to thecomponents of the ACFE code ofethics Ethical Framework: ClientConfidentiality Discusses the importance of theinvestigator’s adherence to theACFE code of ethics in this casespecifically related to clientconfidentiality Needs Improvement (75%)Determines the theoreticalmodel of fraud that best appliesto this fraud scheme, butdefense is cursory or containsinaccuraciesDiscusses the fraud schemeusing the theoretical model butdoes not provide examples, ordiscussion is cursory or containsinaccuraciesDetermines the motivations thatexisted to commit the fraud butdoes not base determination onthe theoretical model or doesnot provide examples, ordetermination containsinaccuraciesDiscusses the importance of theinvestigator’s adherence to thecomponents of the ACFE code ofethics, but discussion is cursoryor contains inaccuraciesDiscusses the importance of theinvestigator’s adherence to theACFE code of ethics in this casespecifically related to clientconfidentiality, but discussion iscursory or contains inaccuracies Not Evident (0%)Does not determine thetheoretical model of fraud thatbest applies to this fraud scheme Value10 Does not discuss the fraudscheme using the theoreticalmodel 10 Does not determine themotivations that existed tocommit the fraud 10 Does not discuss the importanceof the investigator’s adherenceto the components of the ACFEcode of ethics 10 Does not discuss the importanceof the investigator’s adherenceto the ACFE code of ethics in thiscase specifically related to clientconfidentiality 10 Ethical Framework:Integrity Discusses the importance of theinvestigator’s adherence to theACFE code of ethics in this casespecifically related to integrity Ethical Framework:Objectivity Discusses the importance of theinvestigator’s adherence to theACFE code of ethics in this casespecifically related to objectivity Ethical Framework:Deception Explains how deception couldhave been used in theinterviewing and whether it is anethically appropriate way toobtain information Ethical Framework:Framework Explains personal ethicalframework in relation toappropriate standards ofconduct in conductinginvestigations based onresponses Articulation of Response Submission has no major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organization Discusses the importance of theinvestigator’s adherence to theACFE code of ethics in this casespecifically related to integrity,but discussion is cursory orcontains inaccuraciesDiscusses the importance of theinvestigator’s adherence to theACFE code of ethics in this casespecifically related to objectivity,but discussion is cursory orcontains inaccuraciesExplains how deception couldhave been used in theinterviewing but does notexplain whether it is an ethicallyappropriate way to obtaininformation, or explanation iscursory or contains inaccuraciesExplains personal ethicalframework in relation toappropriate standards ofconduct in conductinginvestigations but does not baseframework on responses, orframework is cursory or illogicalSubmission has major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat negatively impactreadability and articulation ofmain ideas Does not discuss the importanceof the investigator’s adherenceto the ACFE code of ethics in thiscase specifically related tointegrity 10 Does not discuss the importanceof the investigator’s adherenceto the ACFE code of ethics in thiscase specifically related toobjectivity 10 Does not explain how deceptioncould have been used in theinterviewing 10 Does not explain personalethical framework in relation toappropriate standards ofconduct in conductinginvestigations based onresponses 10 Submission has critical errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat prevent understanding ofideas 10 Total 100%

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